Europeana is Europes flagship web portal, making Europes cultural heritage accessible to the world. co-funded by the European Commission
Overview… What is Europeana? Which content is Europeana seeking to present? What is the IPR position? What are the benefits of allowing access to my content? Is there funding? How does a content owner proceed? Brief overview of the DISMARC platform the flagship portal which delivers access to Europes cultural and scientific heritage also delivers services - licensing of copyright materials, e-books-on- demand, multilingual searching, hand-held devices presents existing digital content in new context – i.e. semantic tagging (under development)
What is Europeana? What kind of audio content is Europeana seeking to present? What is the IPR position? What are the benefits of allowing access to my content? Is there funding? How does a content owner proceed? Brief overview of the DISMARC platform cultural heritage material European-owned music audio, music-related audio and non-audio artefacts – album, covers, pictures, documents, etc. thematic approach (under development) Overview…
What is Europeana? Which content is Europeana seeking to present? What is the IPR position? What are the benefits of allowing access to my content? Is there funding? How does a content owner proceed? Brief overview of the DISMARC platform content should be either in public domain, wholly owned or used under a self-determined Creative Commons license ownership remains with original owner Europeana will offer online tools and licenses pdf/Dismarc_Guide_to_Copyright_ for_Archives.pdf pdf/Dismarc_Guide_to_Copyright_ for_Archives.pdf Content owners can present 30- second extracts rather than original objects Overview…
What is Europeana? Which content is Europeana seeking to present? What is the IPR position? What are the benefits of allowing access to my content? Is there funding? How does a content owner proceed? Brief overview of the DISMARC platform increased exposure of content, enhanced networking possibilities, increased national & international funding opportunities creates an on-line private archive at no-cost Overview…
What is Europeana? Which content is Europeana seeking to present? What is the IPR position? What are the benefits of allowing access to my content? Is there funding? How does a content owner proceed? Brief overview of the DISMARC platform no funds available to cover costs, possible financial assistance to cover preparatory work other current EU digitisation initiatives – i.e. elated-projects.php elated-projects.php Overview…
What is Europeana? Which content is Europeana seeking to present? IPR issues? What are the benefits of allowing access to my content? Is there funding? How does a content owner get content into DISMARC/Europeana? Brief overview of the DISMARC platform Step 1: Send test data Overview…
What is Europeana? Which content is Europeana seeking to present? IPR issues? What are the benefits of allowing access to my content? Is there funding? How does a content owner proceed? Brief overview of the DISMARC platform Step 2: Data from various sources is mapped to a common metadata profile: ESE v3.2 (Europeana Semantic Elements) Overview…
What is Europeana? Which content is Europeana seeking to present? IPR issues? What are the benefits of allowing access to my content? Is there funding? How does a content owner proceed? Brief overview of the DISMARC platform Step 3: content owner enters collection description Step 4: content owner evaluates test import at the DISMARC test portal Step 5: Inform on classifications/word lists used – crosswalk to Europeana vocabs / themes (together with the WP6 team) Overview…
What is Europeana? Which content is Europeana seeking to present? IPR issues? What are the benefits of allowing access to my content? Is there funding? How does a content owner proceed? Brief overview of the DISMARC platform Step 6: no in-house audio server? upload/send audio files Step 7: data imported to DISMARC Step 8: update routine established (FTP, , OAI etc.) Step 9: data harvested by Europeana Overview…
Mapping concept and technologies Duraspace Native Metadata Normalisation & Enrichment Harvest & Indexation Audio Aggregation Platform IDX Application Presentation MDM Lucene Tag Clouds Multimedia Viewer SKOS Vocabulary Enrichment EC2/S3 Fedora Commons
What is Europeana? Which content is Europeana seeking to present? IPR issues? What are the benefits of allowing access to my content? Is there funding? How does a content owner proceed? Brief overview of the DISMARC platform Overview…
Europeana Network User Search Metadata Digital Objects (Audios) Europeana Audio Aggregation Subproviders Other Providers FTP, OAI Harvester Provider OAI: FTP
Contact details… General: Technical issues - Gerda Koch - Administration issues - Martin Gordon - Europeana press office - Jon Purday - LINKS: - home of the European digital library - EuropeanaConnect project website - aggregation/content management platform info about the aggregation platform
co-funded by the European Commission