EDUCATIONAL PLANNING SESSION College Readiness Workshop (CRW) One Way Another Way
Why Plan? Stay on track with your educational goals Save time Save money Students with a plan are more likely to be successful in college Students with a plan are more likely to stay in college
Education Plans… Help prepare you to see your advisor Advising Expectations Prepare an education plan Monitor, track and revise your education plan Guideline for registering for future terms– register one term at a time…but be aware… Classes fill Instructor availability varies You may change your mind Intended to start you thinking about the educational planning process. You can change your plan later!
What do I do if I am undecided on a major? Take classes in a major that might interest you Talk with an Academic Advisor about the major(s) you are considering Talk to people in the career that you are considering Take the Career Information System (CIS) assessment Get job experience, even if you have to volunteer Take career planning or personal growth classes Meet with a Counselor each term
After I decided on a major… Declare your major Submit a “Major Change Form” to Admissions Obtain a Graduation Worksheet Use this checklist as you complete your degree Submit to admissions when applying for graduation Seek Academic Advising regularly Advisors are available to assist you with correct class selection, scheduling, and graduation preparation Save time and money, meet often!
Differences Between Degrees Associate of Arts (AAOT) Associate of Science (AS) Associate of Applied Science (AAS) Associate of General Studies (AGS) Certificate Accelerated Training Transferable Degrees Non-Transferable Degrees Turn to Pg 177 of the LBCC Catalog LBCC Degrees and Certificates, Pg 23 LBCC Catalog
Credits & Course Numbers Part-time 6-8 credits Three-quarter time 9-11 Full-time 12+ credits Over 20 credits requires a counselor’s approval Generally, you must take at least 6 credits to qualify for financial aid One credit hour = approximately one hour in class per week Decimal and below 100 level classes Generally will not transfer to a four- year institution* 100 level classes Usually transfer to a four-year institution* Considered freshman level courses 200 level classes Usually transfer to a four-year institution* Considered sophomore level courses * Check with your advisor and the school you plan to transfer Credit Hours Understanding Course Numbers
Last, First Name Student ID Number Date of Birth Major Code Course Placements DescriptionSubject CourseTest Date STRATEGIES FOR EFFECTIVE READINGRD JUN-2009 INTRODUCTION TO ALGEBRAMTH JUN-2009 INTRODUCTION TO WRITINGWR JUN-2009 STUDY SKILLSCG JUN Placement Test Results DescriptionTest DateScaled Score CPT Arithmetic01-JUN CPT Elem Algebra01-JUN CPT Reading01-JUN CPT Sentence01-JUN Did you have a waiver for testing? If so, you will have Course Placements under “SOATEST Test Results” CPT Results
College Placement Test (CPT) What if I want to re-test? Contact the Assessment Center Fee: $5 (per test) 30% of students score higher upon a re-test Pay at Admissions/ Registration before your appointment Other options may be available See a Counselor, Career Center, Takena Hall You can retest at any campus Albany Campus Benton Center x5101 Lebanon Sweet Home
Step 1 Choose the reason that most closely describes why you are attending LBCC: Transfer to a four-year college/university Career Technical degree or certificate (Administrative Professional, Automotive Technology, Welding, etc. Complete application requirements for a specific Career Technical program (pre Nursing, Veterinary Assistant, Diagnostic Imaging, etc.) Other
Step 2 Identify what degree or certificate you are seeking: Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer (AAOT) –Transfer within the Oregon University System Associate of Science (AS) – Oregon State University (OSU) Direct Transfer Associate of Applied Science (AAS) – Career-Technical (Automotive Technology, Criminal Justice, etc.) Certificate – Career-Technical (Phlebotomy, Machine Tool Technology, etc.) Associate of General Studies
Step 3 To print a graduation worksheet for your degree or certificate: Go to Under the heading “Getting Started,” click Advising. In the left column, click Graduation Worksheet. Select this year. Click on the certificate or degree that you are intending to complete Print the graduation worksheet and keep it in your notebook so that you can discuss the requirements with your advisor. Look up your advisor and their contact information
Step 4 Based on your Computerized Placement Test (CPT) scores and the degree you are seeking, what classes in reading, writing, and mathematics are recommended for you? Reading: _____Writing:_____Math: _____ Example: Reading: RD 90Writing: WR 115Math: MTH 65 Using information from the course catalog and your CPT scores, what writing and mathematics courses do you need to complete your degree or certificate? Writing: __50__, __90_, __95_, _115_, _121_ Math: __20_, __60_, __65_, __95_, _111_ Reading: __70__, __80__, __90__, _115_, _120_ Study Skills: _CG100_, _CG111_
Step 5 Quarter: FallYear: 2010 ClassMath 60Credits4 ClassWriting 95Credits3 ClassHD100Credits1 ClassCredits ClassCredits Quarter: WinterYear: 2010 ClassMath 65Credits4 ClassWriting 115Credits3 ClassCredits ClassCredits ClassCredits T WO -T ERM E D P LAN Instructions: This exercise is to assist you in the development of your education plan. In the first box, write the classes that you will register for this term. Use the Schedule of Classes, Course Catalog, and Graduation Worksheet to complete this exercise. IMPORTANT: This sheet is a planning tool and it does not register you for classes. If you are undecided… Choose the AGS or AAOT degree for general education requirements or AS degree if you want to attend OSU.
Look up Schedule of Classes Learn how to read the Schedule Log into SIS account You will log into your SIS account tomorrow to register for your classes during the registration session.
Your Homework Assignment for Tomorrow! Plan out the specific courses you want to take over the next two terms. Make sure to write down the course CRN’s, days and times so that you are ready to register for classes tomorrow! 1) Two Term Educational Plan 2) Ready to Register!
Four Square Share 3) Think about a timeline now that you have started your Two-Term Education Plan. Complete square 3 of the Four Square Share. A SSIGNMENT What is your timeline for achieving your educational goal?