1 CPT Employment Workshop International Student and Scholar Services Vanderbilt University
2 CPT Packet CPT Fact Sheet CPT Fact Sheet CPT Fact Sheet Defining CPT Eligibility Application Process Changes to CPT Information Hours & limitations CPT Guide for Employers CPT Guide for Employers CPT Guide for Employers Employer Role Offer Letter CPT Application Form CPT Application Form CPT Application Form
3 What is CPT? CPT or Curricular Practical Training is an off-campus employment option for F-1 students. The training experience is considered to be an integral part of the curriculum and directly related to the student’s major area of study.
4 Eligibility To be eligible for CPT, you must: 1.Must have been lawfully enrolled on a full-time basis for one academic year (9 Months) 2.Hold a job/training offer related to your major area of study 3.Be enrolled in a course that carries academic credit for the training, or the training must be required of all students in your program. 4.Must not have completed your degree
5 CPT Table Job Required to apply Yes Appointment with ISA needed No Processing Time 2-3 days Application Fee None Authorized by ISSS, ISA Form of Authorization New I-20 with CPT on page 3 Hours per week PT while classes are in session, FT while classes are on official break USE OF FT CPT FOR 12 MONTHS = NO OPT DurationNo Limit
6 Application Process 1.Obtain an offer letter (see CPT Guide to Employer) 2.Complete CPT Application Form 3.Obtain appropriate academic advisor signature and course information as described in the CPT Application 4.Submit completed CPT Application and letter of job offer to ISSS at least two weeks prior to your CPT start date 5.Allow 1 – 2 weeks for CPT Authorization
7 Your Offer Letter The employer must provide the you a written offer on official letterhead. The following information must be included in the letter: Employer Name Employer Address – and location where student will work Employment Start and End Dates Number of Hours Expected to Work Per Week (Full-Time or Part-Time) Position Title Position Description Statement of How the Position is Relevant to the Student’s Major Area of Study (preferred, but not required) Name of Immediate Supervisor (if known)
8 CPT Authorization
9 Don’t Forget! While you are on CPT you are still an F-1 Vanderbilt student. And you must: Notify ISSS of any address change via the online change of address form change of address formchange of address form Maintain health insurance Have your I-20 signed for travel by ISSS Report changes of employment to ISSS Be enrolled full-time each fall and spring semester until final semester before graduation. Keep ALL I-20s
10 Changes to CPT CPT is approved for a specific employer, place of employment, and time period. You may not change employers or extend training employment dates without prior consultation with your International Student Adviser in ISSS. You must submit new, completed CPT application form and offer letter to request any change to your CPT at least 2 weeks in advance. You are not permitted to work beyond your authorized CPT dates until you receive a new I-20.
11 CPT Issues What about unpaid internships? You cannot begin your training before you receive authorization. Any work done prior to receiving authorization is considered illegal employment. Any work continued after authorized dates of employment is considered illegal.
12 Volunteering Must be an advertised volunteer position A volunteer usually does not require you to have special skills. (specific lab work) If it is normally a paid position then it is not a valid volunteer position.
13 Final Questions? Office Hours Monday – Friday: 8:00-5:00 Walk-in Hours Monday – Friday: 10am – Noon and 1:30 – 3:30 Student Life Center th Avenue South, Suite 103 Phone: Fax: Website: