Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) Certified Production Technician (CPT) Certified Logistics (CLT) Certification Systems Presented by: Kay Lee Regional Director, South Central US Certifying the “Industrial Athlete of the Future”
Texas Report Card Who we are/history What we offer Customer Testimonial
Expected Liability Gap Sector Diver- sification 2012 National Scorecard State Mfg Health Log Health Human Capital Worker Benefit Cost Tax Climate Expected Liability Gap Global Reach Sector Diver- sification Prod & Innov Arizona C D B F D+ Arkansas C+ A Illinois Indiana C- B+ Iowa D- B- Kansas Louisiana Mississippi Missouri NewMexico Oklahoma Tennessee Texas Source: 2012 Manufacturing and Logistics National Report by CBER
2012 Manufacturing and Logistics National Report by CBER Conexus Indiana’s Center for Business and Economic Research (CBER) within Ball State University’s Miller College of Business. Visit the Manufacturing and Logistics Report website to find a full performance history for each state, a feature profile for Indiana, and national reports since 2008:
Texas’ lowest grade was in Human Capital Texas’ lowest grade was in Human Capital. This grade of D was determined by… Rankings of educational attainment at the high school and collegiate level the first-year retention rate of adults in community and technical colleges the number of associates degrees awarded annually on a per capita basis the share of adults enrolled in adult basic education Sources: National Center for Educational Statistics and U.S. Department of the Census.
Human Capital No factor matters more to businesses than the quality and availability of labor. Workers represent the largest single cost of doing business, but, more importantly, they are the source of most innovation and process improvements that distinguish successful firms from those that are not successful. Because produced goods have a high degree of value dependent on each individual worker in a production line or transportation leg or hub, a uniformly high quality of workers is required. These workers must possess the ability to understand increasingly complex production processes that today are mostly managed by computers with specialized software. Human capital (especially quality of educational background) is the most important factor in firm location decisions.
Expected Liability Gap Sector Diver- sification 2012 National Scorecard State Mfg Health Log Health Human Capital Worker Benefit Cost Tax Climate Expected Liability Gap Global Reach Sector Diver- sification Prod & Innov Arizona C D B F D+ Arkansas C+ A Illinois Indiana C- B+ Iowa D- B- Kansas Louisiana Mississippi Missouri NewMexico Oklahoma Tennessee Texas Source: 2012 Manufacturing and Logistics National Report by CBER
Gold Standard MSSC is the gold standard for national standards and curriculum for the core technical competencies of front-line industrial workers (entry-level through first-line of supervision) Applies to all production jobs (about 9 million workers) Applies to all material handling and distribution jobs (about 6 million workers)
MSSC Background 1998 – Recognized by the federal National Skill Standards Board (NSSB) as the “Voluntary Partnership” for all manufacturing Responsible under National Skill Standards Act for developing industry-led standards, assessments and certifications 2001 – NSSB formally endorsed MSSC standards. Standards development involved 700 companies, 4000 front-line workers, 300 experts, $9 million public & private funds
MSSC Background – cont’d. 2001 to Present MSSC built state-of-the-art, comprehensive system of… national standards Training assessment and certifications For: front-line production & material handling workforce (entry-level through first line of supervision)
MSSC Background – cont’d. MSSC National Production Standards used as the basis for U.S. Department of Labor’s Advanced Manufacturing Competencies and U.S. Department of Education’s Mfg. “Career Cluster” pathway Only Partners in the NAM-Endorsed Skill Certification System to receive two endorsements: CPT (2009) and CLT (2011)
ANSI Accredits CPT and CLT Under ISO 17024 The American National Standards Institute (ANSI), the U.S. division of the International Standards Organization (ISO), has accredited MSSC under ISO Standard 17024 (certification of individuals). This makes MSSC the first national certification body accredited under this international standard for manufacturing and logistics.
MSSC Progress Report Currency: Standards updated annually by industry subject matter experts. Courses and assessments aligned with standards Infrastructure: 525+ certified teachers, 245 MSSC certified assessment centers, 1000 HS assessments sites (through NOCTI sites - for high school students only) Delivery: 40,000+ assessments, 32,000+ certificates/certifications, 8500+ courses (Integrated, Modular, Fast Track), 8200+ textbooks sold (into 2nd printing) Currently in 35 states (CPT and CLT) Funded Projects: CA, CO, FL, IN, IL, MI, MN, NM, SC, TX, VA, WI
Alignment with NAM-MI Endorsed Skills Certification System Manufacturing Career Pathway MSSC: CPT NIMS AWS SME ACT Foundational Transportation Distribution Logistics Career Pathway MSSC: CLT ASTL APICS Foundational
MSSC Assessments & Certifications CPT Four Assessments: Safety Quality Practices & Measurement Manufacturing Processes & Production Maintenance Awareness CLT Two Assessments CLA CLT Recognition Certificates for each assessment passed Full certification when all CPT and/or CLT are passed
Curriculum & Delivery Modular courses provided in a “blended” learning mode: half instructor led, half through online simulations “Fast Track” courses provided fully on-line E-learning demo & CLT demo E-learning pluses: cuts need for capital equipment for training, provides easier access for more trainees, builds computer skills Course Lengths: 35-40 hrs. for each CPT Module (CPT Fast Track: 15-18 hrs.) 28 hrs. for each CLT Module (on line course is self paced)
Value Proposition – Workers Allows workers to attain documented credentials in a short period at low cost with ANSI-ISO and NAM logos Improves career advancement opportunities and earnings by obtaining high-performance skills through MSSC training Improves job security through certification of proven skill sets Provides nationally-portable credentials offering flexibility to work successfully in all sectors of manufacturing and logistics Strengthens student opportunity for both good wages & benefits and career pathways in advanced, high-performance manufacturing and logistics
Value Proposition for Industry Partners Offers a pipeline of skilled workers by embedding MSSC certification training into the schools Decreases recruitment costs by providing job candidates with industry-recognized credentials Eliminates company remedial training costs Serves to motivate, and retain qualified employees Provides agile workers capable of keeping pace with technological change Increases training ROI by targeting to skill gaps benchmarked against national standards
Value to Your Local Companies Pipeline of Employees No factor matters more to businesses than the quality and availability of labor. Human capital (especially quality of educational background) is the most important factor in firm location decisions. 2012 Manufacturing and Logistics National Report by CBER
Value to College Career Paths Quality: Identification with gold standard MSSC certifications for front-line workers Large number of jobs covered by CPT and CLT Application to all industry sectors National portability of credentials Strength of CPT and CLT in providing solid foundation of core competencies All
1/01/2009 – 6/2/2012 Certificates Issued CLA /CLT – 4,765 126 instructors 258 test sites (CPT & CLT) 18states 1/01/2009 – 6/2/2012 Certificates Issued CLA /CLT – 4,765
Credentialing Workers White House And Credentialing Workers President Obama announced on 6/8/2011 of the Administration’s plan to “credential” 500,000 manufacturing workers in five years under the NAM System. DOD establishes Military Credentialing & Licensing Task Force (manufacturing and logistics included) 5/31/2012
Randstad & MSSC Partnership Results Key Drivers On Site Talent Training MSSC CLA/CLT Training Delivery & Quality (Without CLA/CLT) Goal: 60 days CLT Talent Goal: 60 days Shipping & Inventory Accuracy - Goal: 99% On-Time Shipping–Goal 99% 2010 90 days 2011 65 days N/A (no CLT) 21 Days 97% 99% Note : 2010 data included 116 employees with 0 CLT trained 2011 data included 165 employees with 21 CLT trained
Randstad & MSSC Partnership Results Talent Cost Note : 2010 data included 116 employees with 0 CLT trained 2011 data included 165 employees with 21 CLT trained
Randstad & MSSC Partnership Results Lower Turnover Goals 2010 = 5% 2011 = 3% Note : 2010 data included 116 employees with 0 CLT trained 2011 data included 165 employees with 21 CLT trained
Dual Credit?
Associate of Applied Science in LOGISTICS & SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT ACADEMIC CORE ENGL 1301 Freshman Composition I ELECTIVE - Humanities Course ELECTIVE - Social/Behavioral Science(ECON) MATH 1314 College Algebra SPCH 1321 Business & Professional Speech Total Semester Credit Hours 15 TECHNICAL CORE ACCT 2301 Principles of Accounting I ITSC 1309 Integrated Software Applications BMGT 1301 Supervision MRKG 1311 Marketing BUSI 2301 Business Law BMGT 1307 Team Building BMGT 1327 Principles of Management or BMGT 1344 Negotiations and Conflict Mgt Total Semester Credit Hours 21 LOGISTICS CORE LMGT 1319 Intro to Logistics Mgt LMGT 1323 Transportation LMGT 1325 Warehousing LMGT 1340 Contemporary Logistics Issues LMGT 2388 Internship BMGT 1313 Purchasing BMGT 1331 Ops & Production Mgt BMGT 2331 Total Quality Mgt Total Semester Credit Hours 24 DEGREE AWARD 60 Hours *LOGISTICS ELECTIVES LMGT 2330 International Logistics Mgt IBUS 2345 Import Customs Regulations Certificates Transportation Management Certificate (18 Hours) LMGT 1319 Intro to Logistics Mgt BMGT 1301 Supervision ITSC 1309 Integrated Software Applications LMGT 1323 Transportation LMGT 1393 Special Topics-Logistics Issues LMGT 2334 Traffic Mgt Transportation Management (3607) Certificate (15 Hours) LMGT 1319 Intro to Logistics Mgt BMGT 1301 Supervision ITSC 1309 Integrated Software Applications LMGT 1323 Transportation LMGT 1340 Contemporary Issues in Logistics Logistics Management (3551) (Certificate (30 hours) LMGT 1319 Intro to Logistics Mgt BMGT 1301 Supervision ITSC 1309 Integrated Software Applications LMGT 1325 Warehousing LMGT 1340 Contemporary Logistics LMGT 1323 Transportation MATH 1314 College Algebra BMGT 1303 Principles of Management or BMGT 1344 Negotiations & Conflict Mgt ECON 2302 Micro Economics ENGL 1301 Freshman Composition I Logistics Management Certificate (30 hours) LMGT 1319 Intro to Logistics Mgt BMGT 1301 Supervision ITSC 1309 Integrated Software Applications LMGT 1325 Warehousing LMGT ELECTIVE COURSE LMGT 1323 Transportation MATH 1314 College Algebra BMGT 1303 Principles of Management ECON 2302 Micro Economics ENGL 1301 Freshman Composition I International Logistics (3554) Management Certificate (18 Hours) LMGT 1319 Intro to Logistics Mgt BMGT 1301 Supervision ITSC 1309 Integrated Software Applications LMGT 1323 Transportation IBUS 2345 Import Customs Regulations * LMGT 2330 International Logistics Mgt * Warehouse Management (3552) Certificate (15 Hours) LMGT 1319 Intro to Logistics Mgt BMGT 1301 Supervision ITSC 1309 Integrated Software Applications LMGT 1325 Warehousing LMGT 1323 Transportation OR LMGT 1340 Contemporary Logistics Issues Manufacturing Management (3608) Certificate (21 Hours) LMGT 1319 Intro to Logistics Mgt BMGT 1301 Supervision ITSC 1309 Integrated Software Applications BMGT 1313 Purchasing BMGT 1331 Ops & Production Mgt BMGT 2331 Total Quality Mgt MATH 1314 College Algebra For Information Ronnie Brannon Call (210) 486-3087 Effective Fall 2011 * Courses not a part of degree program
CLT Pricing for Secondary Per Organization (ISD) – High School (Secondary) One Time Pricing (NOCTI) Assessment Center Registration $0.00 Trainer Certification - On line Delivery $1,400.00 e-Learning Portal Setup Fee $250.00 Total Setup $1,650.00 Per Student Ongoing Cost Registration Fee $25.00 CLA Assessment Order $19.00 Course Order CLA with PDF copy of the CLA Textbook $65.00 **or Course Order CLA with Hardcopy of CLA Textbook $95.00 CLT Assessment Order Course Order CLT with PDF copy of the CLA Textbook **or Course Order CLT with Hardcopy of CLA Textbook Total Ongoing Per Student $193.00 ** denote options not included in the totals
Point of Contact Kay Lee MSSC Regional Representative for South Central U.S. Tel. 817-994-9387