Moderator: Lana Oleen, MHEC Panelists: Dave Spence, SREB Amy Mast, Georgia Alliance of Education Agency Heads Joe Pickens, J.D., SJR State College.


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Presentation transcript:

Moderator: Lana Oleen, MHEC Panelists: Dave Spence, SREB Amy Mast, Georgia Alliance of Education Agency Heads Joe Pickens, J.D., SJR State College

Joe Pickens, J.D. President, St. Johns River State College (SJR State) History of Florida’s College Readiness and Success Initiatives 11 th Grade Post-Secondary Readiness Assessment 12 th Grade Transitional Courses SHEEO/Hunt Institute "Defining Alignment and Achieving College Readiness" Conference 5/10/2011

White House CC Summit Although the summit focused attention on community colleges and their integral role in education today, “what was missing was a call to action to bridge the divide between K-12 education and community colleges, which contributes to the nation’s low rates of college completion. It’s the students who pay the price for K-12 and postsecondary systems that are not connected—by not being ready for college.” Nodine, Thad. “What Students Don’t Know About Community College Could Hurt Them.” Higher Education Initiative. New America Foundation, October Web. 5 January SHEEO/Hunt Institute "Defining Alignment and Achieving College Readiness" Conference 5/10/2011

Readiness Realities Florida: 78% of community college students require remediation in at least one subject area 62% of community college students require remediation in multiple subject areas Although a 300 is passing, a 355 on the reading and a 375 on the math portions of the 10 th grade FCAT are more accurate indicators of college readiness in the same subject areas. Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability. “Steps Can Be Taken to Reduce Remediation Rates.” OPPAGA. Florida Legislature, April Web. 5 January SHEEO/Hunt Institute "Defining Alignment and Achieving College Readiness" Conference 5/10/2011

Readiness Realities United States: Nationwide, nearly 60% of all first-year college students discover that despite being fully eligible to attend college, they are not academically “college-ready.” Nationwide, 75% of students enrolled in two-year colleges require remedial work in English, mathematics, or both. National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education and The Southern Regional Education Board. “Beyond the Rhetoric: Improving College Readiness Through Coherent State Policy.” Higher Education. The National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education, June Web. 5 January SHEEO/Hunt Institute "Defining Alignment and Achieving College Readiness" Conference 5/10/2011

Lack of Preparation “We found that many recent high school graduates were surprised to learn, when they enrolled in community college, that they were not prepared. Many were also shocked to find out that even though community colleges allow open entry, they nonetheless have standards for college-level courses.” Nodine (2010) SHEEO/Hunt Institute "Defining Alignment and Achieving College Readiness" Conference 5/10/2011

Surprised Students “Community college students reported that when they were in high school they thought they did not need to do anything extra to prepare for community college—that graduating from high school was sufficient. Some students said they had heard about preparing for the SAT or the ACT, which are required for admission at most four-year colleges and universities. But the students in general had heard very little—or nothing—about needing to prepare for rigorous courses at community colleges.” Nodine (2010) SHEEO/Hunt Institute "Defining Alignment and Achieving College Readiness" Conference 5/10/2011

What we’ve got here… SHEEO/Hunt Institute "Defining Alignment and Achieving College Readiness" Conference 5/10/2011

Florida’s Senate Bill 1908 Florida’s College Readiness Initiative….it all started at a national conference….. Model Programs: El Paso, Texas Seminole County, Florida Purpose: to provide a mechanism to identify potential college students who need remediation and provide that remediation while the students are still in high school. SHEEO/Hunt Institute "Defining Alignment and Achieving College Readiness" Conference 5/10/2011

Florida’s Senate Bill 1908 Avoiding the Blame Game El Paso and Seminole did all of this on their own, without legislation, through local K-12 and Postsecondary communication and coordination SHEEO/Hunt Institute "Defining Alignment and Achieving College Readiness" Conference 5/10/2011

Florida’s Senate Bill th Grade: FCAT 11 th grade: Post-secondary Readiness Testing of students who have indicated an interest in postsecondary education and have scored at levels 2, 3, or 4 on the math portion OR levels 2 or 3 on the reading portion of the 10 th grade FCAT. 12 th grade: High School College Readiness & Success Coursework (Math, English, Reading) that mirrors the developmental education courses taught at the college. Passing the course and exit test enables the students to enroll in college level courses after high school graduation without additional placement testing. SHEEO/Hunt Institute "Defining Alignment and Achieving College Readiness" Conference 5/10/2011

Florida’s Senate Bill 1908 Putting out the fire after it’s already started doesn’t address the problem at the source: There is a lack of alignment between the standards required to get out of high school and the standards required to be ready for college. SHEEO/Hunt Institute "Defining Alignment and Achieving College Readiness" Conference 5/10/2011

Florida’s Senate Bill 1908 Two Years in, Successes & Challenges: Success: Eliminating the element of surprise for students, parents, and K-12 regarding what it means to be college ready Success: Increased student testing and enrollment in high school college readiness and success courses Challenge: Creating true alignment between the high school diploma and college/career readiness SHEEO/Hunt Institute "Defining Alignment and Achieving College Readiness" Conference 5/10/2011

Florida’s Senate Bill 1908 While the legislation helpedwhat would have made the bill even more successful…. Requiring students who place into the courses to take them rather than making the courses an option Weighting the funding of the courses (like AP courses) to incentivize the district’s offering them Making the courses an enhancement for the school’s grade to incentivize the school’s offering them SHEEO/Hunt Institute "Defining Alignment and Achieving College Readiness" Conference 5/10/2011

SB1908 High School Math Courses Math for College Success: Completing this.5 high school credit course with a C or better to include a passing score on the exit test for the course MAT0024 will guarantee that the student will be eligible for enrollment in MAT1033 Intermediate Algebra without further CPT testing/postsecondary remediation in math if they enroll in a community college within 2 years of completion. This class is a mirror of the Florida College System’s highest math developmental education course MAT0024 and is recommended for students who score below Florida’s college ready standards in math. This course was first offered in Math for College Readiness: Completing this 1.0 high school credit course with a C or better to include a score of at least an 86 on the CPT to be taken at the end of the course will guarantee that the student will be eligible for enrollment in College Algebra without further coursework if they enroll in a community college within 2 years of completion. This class mirrors the Florida College System’s three semester hour college credit postsecondary “bridge” course MAT1033.This course is recommended for students who score out of developmental education but below College Algebra. This course was first offered in SHEEO/Hunt Institute "Defining Alignment and Achieving College Readiness" Conference 5/10/2011

SB 1908 High School English/Reading Courses Reading for College Success: Completing this.5 high school credit course with a C or better to include a passing score on the exit test for the course REA0002 will exempt students from further CPT testing/postsecondary remediation in reading if they enroll in a community college within 2 years of completion. This class is a mirror of the Florida College System’s highest reading developmental education course REA0002 and is recommended for students who score below Florida’s college ready standards in reading. This course was first offered in Writing for College Success: Completing this.5 high school credit course with a C or better to include a passing score on the exit test for the course ENC0020 will exempt students from further CPT testing/postsecondary remediation in writing if they enroll in a community college within 2 years of completion. This class is a mirror of the Florida College System’s highest writing developmental education course ENC0020 and is recommended for students who score below Florida’s college ready standards in writing. This course was first offered in English IV: Florida College Prep: Completing this 1.0 high school credit course with a C or better to include a passing score on the Florida College Basic Skills Exit test will exempt students from further CPT testing/postsecondary remediation in writing if they enroll in a community college within 2 years of completion. This class is a reworking of English IV and is intended for students who score below Florida’s college ready standards in reading and/or writing. This course was first offered in SHEEO/Hunt Institute "Defining Alignment and Achieving College Readiness" Conference 5/10/2011

College Success Academies SHEEO/Hunt Institute "Defining Alignment and Achieving College Readiness" Conference 5/10/2011

Getting the Word Out! SHEEO/Hunt Institute "Defining Alignment and Achieving College Readiness" Conference 5/10/2011

Collaboration is Key The single most important thing the College can do to improve the success of our students is to collaborate with the middle and high schools in our service district to improve the college and career readiness of our high school graduates. Waiting until they are our students is waiting too long. SHEEO/Hunt Institute "Defining Alignment and Achieving College Readiness" Conference 5/10/2011

Questions? SHEEO/Hunt Institute "Defining Alignment and Achieving College Readiness" Conference 5/10/2011