Coding for Childhood Immunizations Update for Pediatric Offices-
Developed by: Georgia Chapter American Academy of Pediatrics Content Author: Linda Edwards, RN
EPIC programs are produced in cooperation with: Georgia Immunization Program Georgia Academy of Family Physicians Georgia Chapter- American College of Physicians (Internal Medicine) Georgia OB-Gyn Society With support from: Georgia Immunization Program
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Goals & Objectives Recall Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®) and International Classification of Diseases, 9 th Revision, Clinical Modifications (ICD-9-CM) codes and conventions for reporting immunization services Improve coding accuracy Prepare for ICD-10-CM coding for immunizations
Components of Immunization Services Two distinct families of codes and services The vaccine product –Practice costs The administration –Physician work –Practice expense –Professional liability
Coding the Vaccine Product CPT codes used to report the specific vaccine/toxoid product Codes are specific to product manufacturer and brand, specific schedule (number of doses or timing), chemical formulation, dosage, age guidelines and/or route of administration
Coding the Vaccine Product Report the exact vaccine product administered ( Hepatitis B, adolescent, 2 dose, for IM use ) versus ( Hepatitis B, pediatric/adolescent, 3 dose, for IM use ) ( Influenza, trivalent, split virus, preserv free, 6-35 mo, IM ) versus (Influenza, trivalent, split virus, 6-35 mo, IM )
Immunization Administration (IA) Includes 2 families of codes: – Codes and – Codes – 90474
Immunization Administration 90460Immunization administration through 18 years of age via any route of administration, with counseling by physician or other qualified health care professional; first or only component of each vaccine or toxoid administered each additional vaccine or toxoid component administered (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure.)
Reporting Guidelines and Physician or qualified healthcare professional must provide face-to-face vaccine counseling for the patient/family (patient age 18 or under) on the day the vaccine is administered and medical record documentation must support that physician or other qualified health care professional personally provided the vaccine counseling (each component/antigen) Reported in addition to every vaccine/toxoid code(s) 90476–90749 reported
Qualified Healthcare Professional (QHCP) Defined From CPT 2014: A “physician or other qualified healthcare professional” is an individual who is qualified by education, training, licensure/regulation (when applicable), and facility privileging (when applicable) who performs a professional service within his/her scope of practice and independently reports that professional service.
Reporting Guidelines and Code is reported for the 1 st or only component of each vaccine administered on a day of service –single or combination vaccine Code reported in addition to for each additional component in a combination vaccine “component” = each antigen in a vaccine that prevents disease(s) caused by one organism; conjugates or adjuvants are not considered to be components combination vaccines = vaccines that contain multiple vaccine components (antigens)
Vaccine = componentsIA Codes Influenza = 1 component90460 Td = 2 components90460 and Tdap = 3 components90460 and x 2 units DtaP-Hib = 4 components and x 3 units DTaP-Hib-IPV = 5 components and x 4 units Vaccine Components
CPT Codes Immunization administration (percutaneous, intradermal, subcutaneous, intramuscular); one vaccine (single or combination vaccine/toxoid) each additional injected vaccine (single or combination) 90473Immunization administration by intranasal or oral route; one vaccine (single or combination) each additional intranasal/oral vaccine (single or combination)
Reporting Guidelines Codes are reported –When physician or other QHCP does not perform the vaccine counseling to the patient/family or does not document that counseling was personally performed on a patient 18 years of age or younger –When patient is 19 years of age or older
Reporting Guidelines Reported in addition to the vaccine/toxoid code(s) 90476–90749 Reported for each vaccine administered Only one “first” immunization administration (90471 or 90473) code is reported per day of service –“First” vaccine can be reported from either route of administration
Evaluation & Management (E/M) Visit with IA Separate from vaccine products and their administration Must be significant, separately identifiable, & medically indicated and must be documented in the medical record Append modifier 25 to the E/M code if payers follow Medicare NCCI edits
A 4-month-old established patient receives diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, haemophilus influenza Type B and poliovirus (DTaP-Hib-IPV) vaccine (90698), rotovirus vaccine (90680), and pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (90670) at her preventive medicine visit The physician counsels the parent on all vaccines, discusses risk associated with each disease, and benefits of… What would you report? Putting the Rules into Practice
You Would Report … Preventive medicine, estab patient; <1 year of age DTaP-Hib-IPV Rotovirus, pentavalent Pneumococcal conjugate x 3 Immunization administration through 18 years of age, counseling by physician; first or only component of vaccine……. Diphtheria, Rotovirus, Pneumococcal x 4 each additional component …. tetanus, pertussis, H influenza, inactivated polio
Putting the Rules into Practice Patient is seen for her preventive medicine visit. Two combination vaccines were administered. QHCP with her own provider number documents that he/she personally counseled the family/patient on one combination vaccine. What would you report?
You Would Report … Preventive medicine visit, new or established patient with modifier 25 First combination vaccine product code with # units Second combination vaccine product code each additional injected vaccine
Medicare 2014 NCCI Edits National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) –Medicaid and most private payers follow these or use them as a basis for their payment policies Refer to Medicaid Health Check manual for their payment policy –Updated quarterly
Medicare NCCI Edits Column 1Column 2Modifier Indicator Effective Date 90460, 90461, Office E/M 11/1/ , 90461, Well visits 11/1/ , 90461, Preventive medicine counseling 11/1/ and /1/ /1/2005
Putting the Rules into Practice 12 year old new patient is seen with complaints of backache during the last week. The meningococcal and Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis) vaccines are administered. She is to receive the intranasal influenza vaccine but mother decides to wait until next week for administration. Immunization counseling is performed and documented by the physician on all 3 vaccines and 2 vaccines are administered. How do you report these services?
You Would Report x 25 Office/outpatient E/M, new patient Meningococcal vaccine Tdap 90460x2 Immunization administration, first component 90461x2 Each additional component The influenza vaccine and administration is not reported
Reporting the Deferred Immunization You would report –90660 Influenza virus, intranasal –90473 Immunization administration, intranasal/oral; first vaccine
Diagnosis Coding Rules ServiceICD-9-CMICD-10-CM Well visit, vaccines, and IA OR Well visit Vaccines and IA OR Well visit Vaccines and IA V20.2, V20.31 or V20.32 w/ each service OR V20.2, V20.31 or V20.32 V20.2, V20.31 or V20.32 and V03-V06 OR V20.2, V20.31 or V20.32 V03-V06 Z00.121, Z00.129, Z or Z w/ each service OR Z00.121, Z00.129, Z or Z Z00.121, Z00.129, Z or Z00.111and Z23 OR Z23
Diagnosis Coding Rules ServiceICD-9-CMICD-10-CM New or established patient - 25 Vaccines Specific to problem V03-V06 Specific to problem Z23 IAV03-V06Z23
Other Important ICD Codes DiagnosisICD-9-CMICD-10-CM Vaccination not carried outV64.xxZ28.x ….due to acute illnessV64.01Z28.01 ….due to caregiver refusalV64.05Z28.82 ….due to patient refusalV64.06Z28.21 ….due to patient had disease being vaccinated against V64.08Z28.81 Under immunized status Personal history of under- immunization status V15.83Z28.3
Health Check (Medicaid) Append modifiers 25 and EP to Heath Check E/M code when immunizations administered Report vaccine admin code 90460, as appropriate with modifier EP and V20.2 Report vaccine product code immediately following the corresponding vaccine administration code with specific ICD-9-CM code (V03-V06)
Practice Management
Immunization Administration Medicare RVUs CPT CodeMedicare 2014 RBRVS
To Do List … Learn and understand payer reporting requirements for immunization services Educate/communicate/negotiate with payers for appropriate coverage and payment Verify coverage for each patient; educate patients about reporting guidelines and deductible prior to appointment/service Set up EOB log and review processed claims - Correct errors, educate staff, appeal as appropriate
Update all encounter forms- include CPT and ICD-9-CM code Prepare for conversion to ICD-10-CM Use coding and billing resources Perform quarterly review of Health Check manual on web portal To Do List …cont.
Questions & Discussion
It ’ s a Team Effort! High immunization rates begin with a team designed plan! What can your team do to improve rates?
Other EPIC programs for your office EPIC Immunization Programs –Childhood (Birth-18yrs.) –Adult (19yrs.-Senior) –Combo (Childhood/Adult) (Birth-Senior) –Women’s Health (OB-Gyn practices) EPIC Breastfeeding Programs –Breastfeeding Fundamentals –Supporting Breastfeeding in the Hospital
To schedule a program: Contact EPIC Office – Immunization – Breastfeeding Or visit our website: