Advance Care Planning in the office is difficult mostly because a. Lack of time38717 b. Reluctance to discuss c. Don’t know how to38719 d. Lack of reimbursement38720 e. Lack of support38721
Dr Jeffrey Yee
RESEARCH The impact of advance care planning on end of life care in elderly patients: randomized controlled trial Karen M Detering, respiratory physician and clinical leader1, Andrew D Hancock, project officer1,1 Michael C Reade, physician2, William Silvester, intensive care physician and director121
Effects of POLST
Lack of Time Lack of Understanding ◦ Needs, processes Reluctance to Discuss ◦ Physicians, care teams, patients, families Skill Needs System deficiencies
Initial 6 months ◦ 180 team interactions ◦ 120 attend Part 1 (Advance Directives) ◦ 46 attend Part 2 (POLST)
Initial 6 months ◦ 180 staff interactions ◦ 120 attend Part 1 (Advance Directives) ◦ 46 attend Part 2 (POLST) 29/46 attendees of Part 1 and Part 2 complete Advance Directive and/or POLST
Patient Identification through EMR Initial Education provided by MA MD Reinforcement Enrollment in Group session or Individual appointment
Patient Identification ◦ 70 yo; or 60 yo with chronic disease Initial Education ◦ Staff responsibility ◦ Offer Advance Health Care Directive information or POLST information
Engagement ◦ MD role Reinforce Need/Education Provide relevant personal clinical information
Must document the length of time of your visit within your note and state that >50% of the time was spent in counseling – Then bill the time-based E/M (CPT) code (e.g., for 15 minutes, for 25 minutes) “15 minutes of 25 minute visit spent discussing goals of care/Advance Care Directives as related to their diagnosis and prognosis for CHF.”
Power of Attorney for Health Care Health Care Agent/ Decision-maker Instructions For Health Care What do I want? When do I want? Why do I want?
Systematic Approach Team Roles Documentation Engagement Great Communication
Must be retrievable Supportive documentation
Engaging the practice
Game Plan – Strategic plan Decide the formation -Identify patients
Have the equipment – educational materials, forms Snap the ball/start the play – Help initiate conversation
Timing of conversations ◦ Annual exam ◦ Initiate if involved family members present ◦ Post hospitalization ◦ When other family members/friends ill
Complete documentation Complete forms Follow up with appropriate patients Give the practice feedback
Advance Directives are stable Physicians can support the conversation CPT coding Springboard for other health plans Go Wish cards Woodland Healthcare Advance Care Planning Discussion ◦ Ask for “ACP Class” under Internal Medicine