SUCCESS (or How to Keep Your Head Screwed on Straight!)
SUCCESS DEFINITION Success is not a destination, Success is a journey. The key isn’t what you get at the end, It’s what you’ve become for having made the journey!!
TEST FOR SUCCESS Look in the mirror, and like the person looking back at you!!
Characteristics of Successful People Sense of Direction
Characteristics of Successful People Sense of Direction (Bricklayers)
Characteristics of Successful People Sense of Direction (Bricklayers) Understanding
BRUNSWIK LENS LENS CUES Where in the picture would you place: a) Objective Reality b) Subjective Reality c) Ego YOU
Characteristics of Successful People Sense of Direction (Bricklayers) Understanding (Lens)
Characteristics of Successful People Sense of Direction (Bricklayers) Understanding (Lens) Courage
Characteristics of Successful People Sense of Direction (Bricklayers) Understanding (Lens) Courage (Batter’s Box)
Characteristics of Successful People Sense of Direction (Bricklayers) Understanding (Lens) Courage (Batter’s Box) Charity
Characteristics of Successful People Sense of Direction (Bricklayers) Understanding (Lens) Courage (Batter’s Box) Charity (Trust)
Characteristics of Successful People Sense of Direction (Bricklayers) Understanding (Lens) Courage (Batter’s Box) Charity (Trust) Esteem
Characteristics of Successful People Sense of Direction (Bricklayers) Understanding (Lens) Courage (Batter’s Box) Charity (Trust) Esteem (If it is to be, it is up to me!)
Characteristics of Successful People Sense of Direction (Bricklayers) Understanding (Lens) Courage (Batter’s Box) Charity (Trust) Esteem (If it is to be, it is up to me!) Self Confidence
Characteristics of Successful People Sense of Direction (Bricklayers) Understanding (Lens) Courage (Batter’s Box) Charity (Trust) Esteem (If it is to be, it is up to me!) Self Confidence (Acquired not Inherited)
Characteristics of Successful People Sense of Direction (Bricklayers) Understanding (Lens) Courage (Batter’s Box) Charity (Trust) Esteem (If it is to be, it is up to me!) Self Confidence (Acquired not Inherited) Self Acceptance
Characteristics of Successful People Sense of Direction (Bricklayers) Understanding (Lens) Courage (Batter’s Box) Charity (Trust) Esteem (If it is to be, it is up to me!) Self Confidence (Acquired not Inherited) Self Acceptance (Am I a Flea?)
SERENITY PRAYER Lord, give me the serenity to accept that which cannot be changed, Give me the courage to change that which can and should be changed, and Give me the wisdom to know the difference!