Jacqueline & Celeste
Player NameNumber at BatsNumber of Hits Joey Votto Joe Mauer Omar Infante Miguel Cabrera Carlos Gonzales
Hits/At Bats.3235= /547 Batter #1 Joey Votto Hits/At Bats.3274= /510 Batter #2 Joe Mauer Hits/At Bats.3288= /471 Batter #3 Omar Infante
Hits/At Bats /548 Batter #4 Miguel Cabrera Hits/At Bats.3342= /587 Batter #5 Carlos Gonzalez
RankPlayer NameBatting Average 1 Joey Votto Joe Mauer Omar Infante Miguel Cabrera Carlos Gonzales.334
As you know Joey Votto, Joe Mauer, Omar Infante, Miguel Cabrera, and Carlos Gonzalez have one of the highest average scores. These five players should compete in the Pete Rose Awards. They have demonstrated their talent in front of millions of people. They have achieved in their games. I know these people will never give up playing in their tournaments. They will always succeed where ever they put a step on the floor. They will be an influence to many people in this world.
Step 1: We divided the hits/at bats to get the players average score. Step 2: We put our work and the players batting average. Step 3: Then we numbered 1-5 put the batters names and put their batting average. Step 4: We wrote a persuasive paragraph on who should win the Pete Rose Awards. Step 5: Finally we wrote our reflection and in our reflection we describe our steps that we did to complete our reflection and our project.