September 3-4, 2013 I can apply knowledge of word meanings, roots, etc. I can evaluate the importance of each vignette in order to demonstrate my understanding of identity. I can apply literary devices within my own writing.
Bell Ringer Read the questions and all the answer options. Read the passage carefully. Answer questions 21- 24 on your bell ringer sheet AND explain why you chose that answer. Place this under the bell ringer section in your binder.
Grammar Work with a partner to discover the parts of speech in the following sentences. You are looking for nouns, verb(s), pronouns, and adjectives. Underline nouns once. Underline verbs twice. Circle the main verb. Box pronouns. Star the adjectives. Next year, Belinda will help us with the homecoming plans. Yesterday, Reggie worked until the garage was clean and the trash was in bags. Pour the batter into a greased and floured baking pan.
Grammar Check *Next year, Belinda will help us with the *homecoming plans. Yesterday, Reggie worked until the garage was *clean and the trash was in bags. (You) Pour the batter into a *greased and *floured *baking pan.
Vocabulary We will take an in-depth look at some very important vocabulary words. Please look at the model provided. Work with a partner to fill out your vocabulary sheet for the word: Indisposed. Keep these handy because you will be tested over these words.
Pre-reading Pre-reading #3 question: In what areas of your life are you most free to do what you like? In what areas of your life do you have the least freedom? Consider the roles gender, race, religion, education, class, age, and upbringing play in limiting an individual’s personal freedom. Do gender, race, religion,…etc., factor into what a parent may or may not give the child freedom to do? For example, do parents allow boys or girls to stay out later or does it matter?
Read and Discuss (pages 26-38) "Marin" Who is Marin? Why is she unable to leave her house? How does she plan to change her situation? Why do Esperanza and her friends admire her? "Those Who Don't" How do outsiders see Esperanza's neighborhood? How does Esperanza feel when she visits other neighborhoods? "There Was an Old Woman She Had So Many Children She Didn't Know What to Do" Why does Rosa Vargas cry every day? Why do her children misbehave? What happens to her son Angel? "Alicia Who Sees Mice" How does Alicia's father treat her efforts to get an education? “ Darius and the Clouds” What is the significance of the sky, the butterflies, and the flowers? “And Some More” Why does the chapter (vignette) end with a recitation of the four girls’ names? How do each of these vignettes express identity or a piece of identity?
Write your next vignette… Choose 1 of the following topics to write your next vignette. This time, please use at least 1 simile, 1 metaphor, and 1 piece of imagery. Describe one place that makes you feel safe and secure, and one place that makes you feel awkward and insecure. Describe your neighborhood using interesting words and phrases. Pick something from your world and describe it from a child's perspective. Please underline your use of literary devices.
Exit Slip Draw a map of at least 5 places on Mango Street: character’s houses, apartments, stores, etc. You may also add other significant features of the neighborhood like pets, objects, trees, etc. Select one quotation from the novel for each building or feature of the street and copy it onto your map in a physically or symbolically appropriate location. (For example if I were talking about Esperanza’s house, I might write the quotation “It’s small and red with tight steps in front and windows so small you’d think they were holding their breath” (4) on the windows of the house.)