CDR status, etc. LCD monthly meeting 19 Dec 2011 Lucie Linssen, LCD monthly meeting 19 Dec Lucie Linssen
In this talk… Lucie Linssen, LCD monthly meeting 19 Dec CDR – Status of the text – Front page – Signatories – Acknowledgements – Follow-up of review questions – Yellow report SPC feedback LCD notes
CDR text, status Lucie Linssen, LCD monthly meeting 19 Dec Status of the main CDR text: There was a special CDR release for the SPC (dated 12/12/2011) Since then some minor editing has taken place. Last pending study: => squark study with variations to the luminosity spectrum (see next talk) Final (really final !) release of the CDR text: Tomorrow, 20/12 at 16 hrs After that, still missing: Front page Signatories list Acknowledgements
Front page Lucie Linssen, LCD monthly meeting 19 Dec Please react NOW if this is not OK, or in case you have a batter proposal……
signatories list (1) Lucie Linssen, LCD monthly meeting 19 Dec Status of the signatories: 515 signatories on December 19 th The signatories list can be seen. The signatories list will be closed on January 31 st 2012 Please use your contacts to collect a few more signatories !
signatories list (2) Lucie Linssen, LCD monthly meeting 19 Dec
CDR acknowledgements Lucie Linssen, LCD monthly meeting 19 Dec Proposal to have an “acknowledgements” section. Mainly to acknowledge funding agencies. A list of funding sources was collected recently for the ILC interim report for the detectors. We could use the same list saying: e.g. “The CLIC detector studies benefited from the ILC detector R&D efforts, which were supported by xxxxx, xxxx, xxyy,...”. Please check the list below (received from S. Yamada) To be finalised by January 15 th 2012
Yellow report Lucie Linssen, LCD monthly meeting 19 Dec After January 31 st the CDR will be published and printed as soon as possible as a CERN Yellow report. ====== For practical reasons, the notion “Volume 2” will not appear on the CDR OK to continue referring to Vol 1, Vol2, Vol3 in talking/slides…
Follow-up of review questions Lucie Linssen, LCD monthly meeting 19 Dec Our reference links to the CDR review: After the review we received lists of questions from the reviewers. These questions have been addressed: Modifications to the CDR Direct answers to the reviewers The list of questions, together with our actions can be found here: (thank you, Konrad) We will contact the reviewers after tomorrow’s release.
Feedback from SPC presentation Lucie Linssen, LCD monthly meeting 19 Dec CLIC CDR slides presented at the SPC can be found here: (bottom) Lively ( and long !) discussion after the presentation. Generally positive atmosphere. Most detector question already answered in CDR or in Notes
SPC questions, continued Lucie Linssen, LCD monthly meeting 19 Dec
2011 LCD notes (1) Lucie Linssen, LCD monthly meeting 19 Dec In total 42 LCD Note entries were created in notes have been released ! They can be seen via this link: All notes are on EDMS here: Some back-log in reviewing of Notes. Sorry…. Help with reviewing of notes is very welcome. Status of pending notes on the next slide.
2011 LCD notes (2) Lucie Linssen, LCD monthly meeting 19 Dec
Lucie Linssen, LCD monthly meeting 19 Dec Many thanks for your great efforts in 2011 Enjoy your end-of-the-year break Happy New Year 2012