Building Leadership Skills: Problem-Solving and Decision-Making An Infopeople Workshop Presented by Joan Frye Williams
Not All Decisions Require Equal Attention
Decision Insurance 1. Define the problem 2. Gather additional data 3. Lay it all out 4. Identify your options 5. Evaluate your options 6. Make your decision 7. Move forward
Step #1: Define the Problem What? Where? How? When? With whom? Why?
For a Complex Problem Break it down Verify with others Prioritize
Describe the Desired Outcome(s) Define the solved state: Here’s what should be happening…
Identify Specific, Measurable Goals What are we trying to Achieve? Preserve? Avoid? Eliminate?
Link Back to the Big Picture Make sure your desired outcomes align clearly with the library’s mission and strategic plan
Reality Check: Decision Politics Who are the stakeholders in this situation? What will they need to get out of any decision? How and when should they participate in finding a solution?
Step #2: Gather Additional Data Broad Objective Verifiable Relevant
Beware Hearsay/rumor Opinion Wishful thinking Labeling the problem Blaming/scapegoating Vivid but minor evidence
Look Outside the Library as Well as In
Don’t Overlook Your own beliefs and biases Your own (possible) role in the situation
How Much Information Is Enough?
Just Be Sure You Cover the Bases Bouncing around is natural More information may accrue over time
Step #3: Lay It All Out
Pareto Analysis “80/20 rule” Focus on numerical data Use to identify which situations are most common
Mind Mapping Free-form note taking Any kind of information Use to show how different facts relate to the problem and to each other
Look into Causes but Don’t Bog Down Not all problems are “caused” Not all causes can be corrected Ask for input – one person at a time.
The Un-Problem: Appreciative Inquiry Systematic discovery of the best in people and organizations Unconditional positive questions Directed conversation and storytelling What is working well? How can we do more of that?
Step #4: Identify Your Options What options do we have? What has been done in other libraries? In other disciplines? How about something new?
Situation: Something’s Gone Wrong Find and correct the changes that account for the fall-off in results.
Situation: Increased – or Changing – Expectations Find new ways of operating.
Situation: The Double Whammy Find ways to reengineer the system – correct and invent.
Situation: It Never Did Work Right Find ways to overhaul – or completely rebuild.
Things That Can Limit Your Thinking Searching for THE ONE RIGHT ANSWER Not involving front line people Looking inside the library only Waiting for 100% agreement Fear of embarrassment or failure
Be Sure to Include Be Sure to Include Current approach Something new Something fun
Step #5: Evaluate Your Options
Check Sheet Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Desired Outcome Desired Outcome Desired Outcome Desired Outcome
SWOT: Strengths – Weaknesses – Opportunities – Threats PMI: Plus – Minus - Interesting
Six Thinking Hats
Think Through Risks and Consequences Reversible? Pilot-able? Timely? Politically sensitive?
Special Challenges in Many Library Environments Perfectionism Catastrophizing Mixed feelings about success
Step #6: Make Your Decision
Reality Check: Strategic Thinking How might this decision change the library’s position or reputation? Will it set the stage or define a pattern for future decisions? Do library stakeholders need a heads-up? Who will get credit if things turn out well?
Take Time to Write a Brief Summary of Your Process
Step #7: Move Forward Communicate the decision/solution Plan the implementation Monitor results Learn as you go
When Things Go Wrong Work each problem Re-prioritize if necessary Maintain focus on desired outcomes After a fair trial, change options