District 5950 “ One and Done ”
1 We could always do what we have been doing … A few people inviting guests each year People not getting engaged or not having fun People moving on Some come, some go And we could expect to get what we always got: declining membership (a world-wide problem)
2 This year, let’s do something different! The “ One and Done ” Campaign Designed to grow Rotary worldwide at a rate of 15% per year! Centers on inviting and bringing guests to Rotary Needs to get contagious: The “Tipping Point” – Innovators & Early Adopters – Early and Late Majority – The Laggards
3 Why do it this way? Membership growth relies on inviting guests There is a sense of responsibility that you “ should ” invite guests A select few do most of the inviting Thus only a few come aboard each year If we could implement a “ word of mouth ” campaign that caught on it would eventually TIP
4 One and Done Each Rotarian is an Ambassador Each week, an Ambassador is assigned to bring a guest Can’t get someone, then switch Once you bring a guest, you are done
5 What Outcomes Could we Expect? Let’s say we get 2,000 guests invited 25% are interested and join 500 new members = 16% growth ! In 5 years, our district would grow to 6,000 5 years after that to 12,000 What could we do with twice as many Rotarians?
6 What about Rotary International? “ What is happening in District 5950?” “How are they doing it?” “I want what they have!” Imagine that One and Done spreads to every Rotary district 1.2 Million Rotarians become 2.4 Million Rotarians! What would happen if 5 million like-minded people got together?
7 How to do it Each member is an Ambassador Each Ambassador is assigned Membership Chair tracks progress Checks them off when the member has brought his/her one guest (and is done) Club Tracking Board Create a sense of excitement!
8 Area Membership Contact Person Each Area has an Area Membership Contact (AMC) person AMC works with each club Membership Chair in the Area to implement the “One and Done” campaign Ambassadors can invite and bring a guest to a Membership Drive (doesn’t have to be a regular meeting) The trick is to keep track: accountability
9 What can you do? “ Have you heard about the One and Done Campaign?” Of course they haven’t! What’s that? “I guess each member is asked to bring one guest to a meeting during the year.” Spread the word ! “Once you have brought a guest, your done. It’s supposed to help us grow our club. If we do it, the rumor is that 5950 will have to highest growth rate in the entire world.” mmm…
10 It all starts here Every idea starts somewhere February 23, men got together to have a meeting The meeting rotated to each office each week One idea 105 years later, 1.1 Million people
11 Grassroots You can be Innovators and Early Adopters You are willing to take a chance You are the first to hear of this new idea It starts here. Right now. With you! Lead by example and spread the word! Thank YOU !