Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September Long-Baseline Experiments in North America Maury Goodman ANL NOW 2008 September 2008
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September Preface: “Long-Baseline” Definition Dictionary definition of long - “having considerable linear extent in space” Longer than before / Off the site of the accelerator Beam -- L >> length of beam pipeYES Which implies the far detector sees a point source of neutrinos Physics – L >> E/(2.54 m 32 2 ) ~ 1500km NO
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September Preface: [Factors in North America/US] National Planning in the US is done by a panel called HEPAP (High Energy Physics Advisory Panel) Long-Term Planning is done every few years by subpanels A recent innovation is to have a panel called P5 (Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel) maintain a roadmap. The highest priority project in a 2001 report was the ILC (Bagger-Barish Panel) The ILC Central Design Group Reference Design Report reported an ILC cost in August The advertised cost was $6.6B. The estimated US project cost is $21.9B. [These are the same number!] Too much ->-> Therefore new study
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September P5 report May report aka Baltay panel
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September Outline MINOSa few results MINOS+ speculation & opinions NO A LB DUSEL –Water –Liquid Argon Thanks to M. Sanchez, H. Gallagher, G. Feldman, M. Diwan, N. Saoulidou, M. Messier, M. Bishai, G. Rameika, R. Svoboda, Y.K. Kim, K. Lesko, B. Fleming, L. Pinella,
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September Plus more baselines… To have some more facts in this talk, I’ll mention several things having to do with baseball*. Fully realizing a large fraction of my audience doesn’t care in the least about baseball
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September MINOS 484 planes of 4cm strips SEE DETAILS FROM JUSTIN EVANS THIS AFTERNOON
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September NuMI Beam Performance 8 Total Protons (E20) 12 May 2008
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September MINOS - m 2 32 Energy Spectrum Best Fit: | m 2 | = 2.43x10 -3 eV 2 sin 2 (2 ) =1.00 Events / GeV | m 2 | =(2.43±0.13) x eV 2 (68% C.L.)
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September MINOS Other Analyses NC Atmospheric s Alternative fits to oscillations Time of flight Search for Lorentz Violation Cosmic Cosmic shadows, seasonal variations,… e for 13 Antineutinos for m 2 32
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September Cosmic Rays Charge Ratio Previously flat First rise in Charge Ratio Relevant variable is not E by E cos Can be used to measure K + /K - & + / - Related to TeV associated production Relevant for Neutrino Telescope backgrounds ( )
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September e Sensitivity for 13 At CHOOZ limit expect 12 ν e signal events and 42 background events with 3.25x10 20 protons. Use sidebands to study predicted far detector backgrounds.
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September MINOS plans ÞRunning on FNAL schedule through 2010 ~10e20 pot ÞWe want to continue running s beyond 2010 ÞWe want to run s ÞA “scenarios” group is devising a plan/proposal ÞRunning beyond 2010 seems obvious, but you never know.
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September Baseball They play almost every day ( /year) Many fans appreciate statistics You can understand about 70% of the game in 30 minutes Much that remains is fairly subtle Huge influence - metaphors on English language (MVP, double play, off base, hit it out of the park, pinch hitter, foul ball, all-star, big league, rain check, …) Most common questions when I take a European to a baseball game (~40,000) –Why are there no policeman? –What is light beer?
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September NO A-Where? The Ash River site is the furthest available site from Fermilab along the NuMI beamline. This maximizes NO A’s sensitivity to the mass ordering. Off-axis
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September NO A design plastic filled with scintillator An admirer 32-cell extrusions. The planes alternate horizontal and vertical.
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September NO A A significant Issue It takes a long time to build & fill It is desirable to take data before it is complete Gluing & Structural Engineering challenges “The problem with plastic is that it is plastic”
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September Signal & Background x-z y-z
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September NO A – nonzero 13 ?
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September NO A – mass hierarchy ?
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September NO A – CP ?
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September NO A oscillations NO A was approved at Fermilab and construction funds were included in the DOE proposed budget ($12M first year of $260M) Funds also in Congressional budgets, but retroactively zero’d in a December 07 compromise P5 report recommended NO A, but not in all funding scenarios. A supplemental funding bill in July 08 included $9.2 M for NO A It recently passed its (second) CD2 review – not yet signed. Hardware & Civil projects that had been delayed are gearing back up.
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September Chicago Cubs Haven’t won “World Series” since 30 teams Cubs 4 wins -0 losses on days that Italy has won the world cup This is the year
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September Eamus Catulii Anno Catulli
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September Project X
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September Protons at Fermilab Now ANU/NO A Project X SNuMI
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September LHC including Upgrades, Particle Astrophysics (including Dark Matter and Dark Energy) ILC R&D, EDR, Engineering, Decision, Industrialization, Construction, Running Proj. X R&D ILC cavities & Cryomodules, Overall Design SNuMI small 13 NOvA (0.7 MW) (1.2 MW) large yrs baseline +5 yrs ILC tiny 13 Precision Phase I Precision Phase II Sketch of Integrated Plan (Sept. 18, 2007) [Y.K. Kim] Muon collider R&D for future energy frontier colliders DUSEL + Factory 4D cooling + … works 6D cooling + … works extremely tiny 13 Project X A Large Detector at DUSEL for Neutrinos and Proton Decay
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September P5 DUSEL Project X ANU
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September DUSEL
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September kt detectors?
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September LB-DUSEL A significant Issue It will take a long time to build & fill It will be desirable to take data before it is complete One of the arguments for Modular H 2 O
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September Water or Liquid Argon?
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September On-Axis or Off-Axis? On-AxisMore flux Off-AxisLess Background Design a Flexible Beam?
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September One (unofficial) notion of a LB-DUSEL schedule
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September DUSEL long-baseline is a vision The vision requires: (all cost figures MCG rumor quality) –DUSEL ($500M+) –A new beamline at Fermilab ($250M) –Project X ($1B) –A new huge detector ($500M-1B) None of these currently exist or are “approved” It is not clear that this fits the funding assumptions of P5, or that it is a community consensus.
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September Other ideas 5 kt Ar at Soudan Use Brookhaven’s AGS Detector at 2 nd maximum in NuMI beam ◙Neutrino Factory/Muon Collider
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September NOW 2020 Intercontinental Long-Baseline ETC… JPARC-INO CERN-INO FNAL-INO
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September Advertisement(s) Free monthly neutrino rumor newsletter -- ~100 lines, send “subscribe” to or see Join ~1600 subscribers. Neutrino Oscillation Industry Web Page
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September Conclusions MINOS is taking data –Results at 4e20, m 2 32 –Expected ~ 10e20, 13 NO A is coming LB-DUSEL may be next With regard to planning, (in my humble opinion) we are overdue for an effective international context Neutrino fans are in for exciting times Chicago Cubs fans are looking forward to the 2008 baseball World Series
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September Backup
Maury Goodman, ANL NOW 2008 September