TM ® 2012 LinguaFolio Rollout Gastonia Conference Center Gastonia, NC August 9, 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

TM ® 2012 LinguaFolio Rollout Gastonia Conference Center Gastonia, NC August 9, 2012

TM ® Welcome Ann Marie Gunter World Language Consultant Ivanna Mann Thrower ESL/Title III Consultant

TM ® Group Introductions Take Off & Touch Down

TM ® Individual Introductions Share with a shoulder buddy or two... Name District & School Main reason for coming to the LF Rollout 1 little known fact about you!

TM ® Overview Overview Refreshments Refreshments Restrooms Restrooms Wireless Network - FREE Wireless Network - FREE Electronic Gadgets Please switch phones, computers, and other electronic gadgets to silent, mute or vibrate Electronic Gadgets Please switch phones, computers, and other electronic gadgets to silent, mute or vibrate Talent Waivers Talent Waivers Posting of materials on the wiki Posting of materials on the wiki

TM ® Let’s take a look at the agenda...

TM ® LinguaFolio standards-based standards-based self-directed self-directed formative assessment tool formative assessment toolTHAT records ongoing learner progress records ongoing learner progress displays student-selected evidence to validate proficiency self- assessment, and displays student-selected evidence to validate proficiency self- assessment, and provides a comprehensive provides a comprehensive view of student performance

TM ® Update on LF in NC Read the 9 statements and decide if each one is... Reality or Just a rumor!

TM ® Update on LF in NC LinguaFolio® has been available in North Carolina from the time it was first used in the United States, which was the 2005 – 2006 school year.Reality!

TM ® History of LinguaFolio 5-state pilot, GA, KY, NC, SC, VA National revisions ESL Checklists from NC 2007 – 2009 Revisions to LinguaFolio Jr Present

TM ®

® Update on LF in NC LinguaFolio® consists of three parts, which are the Biography, the Dossier and the Passport. In the future, the Passport will be renamed the Global Profile because of the new international education laws that will go into effect on January 3, Just a rumor!

TM ® DOSSIER  Digital text, audio, and video work samples  MP3 files  Podcasts BIOGRAPHY  Language learning learning background background  Can-do* statements statements  Learning goals goals PASSPORT Global Profile in e-LF  Summarized snap shot of self- assessments  Record of external assessments

TM ® LinguaFolio Proficiency-based Nationally and internationally aligned Learner-centeredFREE

TM ® Update on LF in NC All LinguaFolio® documents are available for FREE in Microsoft Word and PDF formats, and the e-LinguaFolio for North Carolina ( is also available at no charge.

TM ®

® e-LinguaFolio / / /

TM ® Update on LF in NC 4 4. LinguaFolio® Junior is only available in Nebraska and other Midwestern states because it can withstand tornadoes but not hurricanes or earthquakes. Just a rumor!

TM ® Update on LF in NC Thanks to a partnership with the Appalachia Regional Comprehensive Center (ARCC) at Edvantia, the LinguaFolio® self-assessment checklists will soon be available in 10 languages other than English: Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), French, German, Hmong, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Vietnamese.Reality!

TM ® Why those 10 LOTE? LOTE=languages other than English NC home language survey results NC home language survey results Program needs Program needs ESL ESL Dual Language/Immersion Dual Language/Immersion Others such as Cherokee, Chinese (Cantonese), Greek, Hawaiian, etc. How soon? Done by whom?

TM ® Update on LF in NC 6. LinguaFolio® is a proficiency-based, formative assessment tool that fits well into a comprehensive balanced assessment system and is aligned to national and state standards, including the North Carolina Standard Course of Study (NCSCS) that encompasses the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts, the World Language Essential Standards, and the English Language Development Standards.Reality!

New Standard Course of Study (SCS) Common Core State Standards English Language Arts * Literacy Standards for History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Mathematics North Carolina Essential Standards Arts Education *English Language Development *Guidance Healthful Living *Information and Technology Science Social Studies World Languages * Common Core Literacy Standards, English Language Development, Guidance, and Information & Technology Essential Standards are delivered through ALL content areas.

TM ® Update on LF in NC 7. The use of LinguaFolio® in the classroom is one way to demonstrate Standard 9 from the North Carolina Educator Evaluation System (NCEES) because it supports the full participation of male and female students in the language acquisition process. Just a rumor!

NC Standards for Teachers Standard 1: Teachers demonstrate leadership Standard 2: Teachers establish a respectful environment for a diverse population of students Standard 3: Teachers know the content they teach Standard 4: Teachers facilitate learning for their students Standard 5: Teachers reflect on their practice Standard 6: Teachers contribute to academic success. 24

TM ® Update on LF in NC 8. Teachers can demonstrate progress with NCEES Standards 3, 4 and 5 when they utilize LinguaFolio® to: align their instruction with the NCSCS, make language learning relevant to their students, use the formative assessment process and reflect on or analyze student learning.Reality!

TM ® Update on LF in NC 9. By 2017, every language learner in our state’s public schools will have their own LinguaFolio® which can continue to be used in postsecondary education and the world of work as evidence of a graduate who is multilingual and a knowledgeable global citizen. Just a rumor!

1.How does language education prepare students to be future ready? 2.How do language programs/courses connect to other content areas? 3.What are the implications for meeting the needs of all learners as related to language education?

TM ® What’s your LF Reality? 10. Please use this space to fill in your own reality with LinguaFolio® based on the plans you’re making individually, as a school or professional learning community (PLC), or district-wide

TM ® LinguaFolio Carousel Mini-Sessions Mini-Sessions 20-minute informal presentations 20-minute informal presentations Various levels and topics Various levels and topics Goals Goals Select 3 to attend today Select 3 to attend today Reflect on each using Reflect on each using

TM ® Topics by presenter...

TM ® LinguaFolio Carousel Select 3 to attend today by circling the presenternames on the back of the activity sheet

TM ® LinguaFolio Carousel Time

TM ® What’s your LF Reality? 10. Please use this space to fill in your own reality with LinguaFolio® based on the plans you’re making individually, as a school or professional learning community (PLC), or district-wide

TM ® Share Your Ideas forLF!

TM ® Update on LF in the USA Alignment Project with ACTFL Launched June 2012

TM ® LinguaFolio by any other name… Different States LinguaFolio Jr. ESL Dual Language Immersion Heritage Language Programs Higher Education STARTALK > LFO e-LinguaFolio

TM ® e-LinguaFolio / / /

TM ® LinguaFolio Training Modules Designed to be adaptable for use with: Designed to be adaptable for use with: Individuals Individuals Schools Schools Departments Departments Districts Districts PLCs PLCs Includes information about documenting for license renewal credits Includes information about documenting for license renewal credits

TM ® LinguaFolio Training Modules 1. What Is LinguaFolio? 2. Building Your Own LinguaFolio 3. Reflective Learning & Teaching in an Autonomous Environment 4. LinguaFolio-Like Activities 5. The Importance of Interculturality 6. Assessing Language Performance 7. Implementation Timeline & Setting Goals

TM ® LinguaFolio Training Face-to-face workshops at conferences Next: October 11 th at FLANC as a pre- conference workshop Blended or face-to- face training arranged by region, district or school

TM ® Research: LF Nebraska Study Dr. Ali Moeller, University of Nebraska, conducted a 5-year longitudinal study investigating the: Impact of goal setting on student achievement Impact of goal setting on student achievement Role of self-assessment Role of self-assessment Implementation of LF as an assessment tool to promote articulated K-16 language programming Implementation of LF as an assessment tool to promote articulated K-16 language programming

TM ® Set or adjust learning goals Select strategies Provide evidence Self-assess and reflect ReflectiveLearningProcessReflectiveLearningProcess

TM ® Effects on Student Achievement Moeller, 2010 Principles of Assessment for Learning + LinguaFolio ReducedClassSize 4x to 5x >

TM ® Moeller’s Research Results Goal setting is key Goal setting is key Motivation increased Motivation increased Achievement positively affected and increased over time Achievement positively affected and increased over time Teacher training highly important Teacher training highly important

TM ® Other states and provinces

TM ® Wrap-up & Next Steps LF Rollout materials will be posted on the wiki for your use. Video clips will be processed and shared at future events and online. Everyone will be added to the LF listserv. Let us know about any others... Give us some feedback on today!

TM ® Plus/Delta Feedback What worked well? Suggestions for improvement!