Continuing Our Journey….. Agenda Administrative Staff Meeting December 14, Rumor Control4. Budget 2.Goals5. SBM Survey 3.TSTT6. ROP 1
Rumor Control 1.We plan to implement the final phase of full-day kindergarten 2.No plan to eliminate CMS 3.Payments for the Edward L. Kelly Leadership Center are like a home mortgage 4.The school day 5.You were invited to this meeting in the “Leader” 2
Goals (Our Instructional Focus) Literacy – Building background knowledge and academic vocabulary and a constructivist approach to mathematics Inclusion – A continuum of collaboration A healthy and safe environment that promotes equity Professional learning communities 3
Today’s Students Tomorrow’s Teachers Founded over 12 years ago Goal of recruiting, training, and mentoring culturally diverse and economically challenged students become teachers Students tutor, job shadow, visit colleges, and intern for 20 hours in the summer 4
Today’s Students Tomorrow’s Teachers Students attend workshops to learn the college application process, prepare for the SAT, and develop teaching skills Working to develop partnerships with area colleges to provide tuition scholarships 50 PWCS students from six high schools –Battlefield, Freedom, Gar-Field, Hylton, Potomac, and Stonewall 5
Today’s Students Tomorrow’s Teachers Each school will have a teacher mentor to meet with students and arrange tutoring assignments and summer internships Northern Virginia Regional Program Manager –Andrea Falden – (Freedom High School office) 6
Changing Economic Climate Increasing expenditures –Growing student enrollment (new schools & renovations) –External funding pressures (VRS, GASB 45, health insurance, inflation) –Competitive wages and benefits –Complete implementation of full-day kindergarten –Technology improvements – update old technology 7
Changing Economic Climate Shrinking property tax revenues –Slowdown in new building projects –Lower property assessments 8
School-Based Management (SBM) Survey Survey of all school-based staff conducted in collaboration with PWEA and PWFT in May 2006 –30% response rate – 2307 completed surveys –Asked general questions and series of school- level questions 9
School-Based Management (SBM) Survey Overall Results –69% reported good understanding of SBM –71% of respondents indicated having experience with SBM –Awareness/Participation Gap Majority (50-65%) knowledgeable about school advisory councils Smaller numbers (30-43%) participated on advisory councils or in decision-making process 10
School-Based Management (SBM) Survey School-Level Findings –Positive overall – majority of items rated at 3.5 or higher on 5 point scale –Strengths Availability of school’s strategic plan Consistency of plan with Division’s strategic plan 11
School-Based Management (SBM) Survey School-Level Findings continued….. –Areas of concern Input into budget development Communication at school being too top-down Important needs not funded because of other budget priorities –School-level variation found 12
ROP Mr. Kris Pedersen will review changes to the ROP Regulation – no reduction in benefits –Accountability, forms, and protocols PowerPoint slides posted to the Intranet Further discussion at Area meetings –January 22, Areas I and II –January 23, Areas III and IV 13