CPTED Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Prepared By Cst Reid Smith Codiac Regional RCMP CPTED is not an RCMP Design Program. Some Members have been trained in CPTED Level 1 and 2 to be aware of this type of business planning in early stages of business development to assist in making their property a safer and secure place to work and visit.
C.P.T.E.D - Site Audit Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (C.P.T.E.D. pronounced as Sep-ted) is a proactive crime fighting technique in which the proper design and effective use of parks, open spaces building(s) and the surroundings lead to a reduction in crime as well as an improvement in the quality of life for citizens of the community. It is very important to realize CPTED principals reduce the opportunity for crime, however programs should be implemented to tackle the ROOT CAUSE OF THE CRIMES affecting the areas where the audits are performed. These steps go hand in hand to create a safer environment to work live or play.
The four key concepts of C.P.T.E.D. are: 1. Access Control 2. Surveillance 3. Territorial Reinforcement 4. Lighting
Access Control Identify entrances and exits on the property and how public access is controlled Identify strengths and weaknesses to the existing routes Identify what changes could be done to create a more secure public access and deter potential vandals from creating negative or criminal activity
Surveillance Identify site lines around property and identify strengths and weakness. ie: No obstructions around entrances so that the staff can have clear view of public entering or exiting the property; no areas where there is concealment of someone hiding behind etc. Example is a motel clerk or grocery clerk having clear view of people coming in and going out and ability to see between aisles or shelves etc.
SURVEILLANCE Open windows allows for natural surveillance
Good open site lines to the bottom level of the garage
Territorial Reinforcement Well defined property lines whether it be landscaping or structure
Territorial reinforcement
Lighting Lighting is one of the key concepts to keep unwanted people from loitering or committing a criminal act simply by adding or intensifying existing lighting . A good example is having adequate lighting outside a bar area. This should deter groups from gathering after closure and reduce the risk of negative activity. A parking garage is another good example of having adequate lighting.