By Ye, Joshua, Oscar,Luis
The Alaska Boundary Dispute (1903) Czar Peter the Great of Russia originally claimed Alaska in the 1740s; it gave Russia many furs. In 1825, Britain and Russia signed a vague treaty that designated the border between Alaska and British North America. When the fur market was lowering, Russia sold Alaska to America for $7.2 million or 4 cents per hectare.
The border dispute between America and Canada began shortly after. During the Yukon gold rush, a lot of Canadian citizens and US were in the area that meant the border dispute had to be ended fast. In 1903 America, Canada, and Britain decided to have a multilateral tribunal of three us people, two Canadian people and one British Person.
The British Person ruled against the Canadians with the Americans and so the Canadian land claim was lost. The reason Britain ruled against Canada was that they saw the need and potential of America allying with Britain to deter German military threats.
Following the death of McKinley, Roosevelt, had the task of consolidating American gains in: Philippines Cuba
In June of 1899, Philippines proclaimed victory over Spain. Rebel leader Emilio Aguinaldo was declared president of the Philippines. However, America would not acknowledge this and declared war on their old ally.
By 1901, Emilio was captured by the Americans. It wouldn’t be until 1946, would the Philippines become independent from America
United States, had fought for Cuba’s freedom against Spain. U.S. wanted to maintain an active presence. Cuba wanted America out. America constructed constitution involving: Cuba could not negotiate with other countries. U.S. has authority to establish a naval base on Cuban soil. The U.S. could send troops to Cuba when necessary. Ultimately this would lead to further complications, resulting in a revolution which would lead Fidel Castro to power.
Following winning Puerto Rico from Spain. America was determined to keep it under it’s possession. In 1900, U.S passed Foraker Act, allowing limited self government. In 1917, President Wilson signed the Jones Act. Making Puerto Rico a territory of the U.S
In 1904 Dominican Republic declares in bankruptcy. Roosevelt had a fear which is not really true that European powers may interfer directly to Dominican Republic to secure their debts. Rosevelt send marines into Dominican Republic and start to intervent whit Dominican Republic desiring how much money goes for Dominica and how much goes to Europe. Us stayed there until the debet was completely pay. Rosevelt was warning other nations that the United States will intervene directly In Latin America every time a serius crisis threatened the American commercial. He also was warming European powers to stay away from Latin America.
Roosevelt wanted shorten the distance of the ships between New York and the pacific Coast so he desided to make Colombia to build a canal in the Panama city. So Columbia started the building of the canal by a french company, sundendly the workers where getting sick due to the climate that is in panama which is mostly raining and wet so Colombia didnt do nothing about it, Colombia at the time was having a war so it didnt put attention to that problem. The workers give up and the canal wasnt finish yet. Roosevelt wanted so much the canal so he desires to take Panama away from Colombia and them US would build the canal, finally us took Panama and make it an indepent republic and the U.S. finish the building of the canal.
-While Roosevelt was solving problems in Latin America. He was also know for peaceful solutions In other international disputes -Territory disputes between Russian and Japanese Empires resulted in a war in When the Russians called for peace in 1905, Roosevelt Mediated the Treaty of Portsmouth which game the Japanese the territories they wanted. Roosevelt the Mediator
Roosevelt wanted the world to witness America’s naval power firsthand. From 1907 until 1909, the “Great White Fleet circled the world. Impressing the world with American’s naval strength.