CONSUMER HORTICULTURE Bob Westerfield - Consumer Ornamentals Marco Fonseca – Master Gardener Program Wayne McLaurin – Consumer Vegetables Gerard Krewer – Commercial and Consumer Fruits
Gardening Trends in the U.S. Home gardening and landscaping – #1 hobby in U.S. 85 million households participate Consumers spent an average of $ per year on landscape and garden Georgia Value – 1.2 Billion dollars spent in retail garden centers each year
Georgia Trends Consumers more educated and environmentally sensitive Steady increase in the past 10 years in call volume for agents and specialists 1997 – creation of Consumer Horticulture/Master Gardener Coordinator position Need for more volunteer assistance through the Master Gardener Program
Georgia Master Gardener Program Program began in 1979 around Atlanta with 150 people in 4 counties Currently we have trained over 9000 volunteers in 110 counties Currently have 3000 active Master Gardeners In 2001, MG’s returned over 100,000 hours of volunteer time across the state Value of volunteer time and travel close to 1.5 million dollars.
Utilization of volunteers
Other MG Products Horticulture therapy Wildlife habitats Junior master gardener program Demonstration gardens
Master Gardener Funding Program generates approx. $32,000 per year through book sales Program funds 20 hour per week program assistant position Proceeds fund complete operating and travel budget for the coordinator and assistant $30,000 in recent grants have funded an advanced Master Gardener Coordinator position
Georgia Master Gardener Association (GMGA) Supports state program, ie conferences, advanced training Offer small grants for MG projects Purchased equipment for state program Publish quarterly newsletter for all members
Horticulture Faculty Involvement in the Master Gardener Program Creation of State Master Gardener Coordinator Position in 1997 Hort. Faculty currently teach 60 to 75 MG classes a year Development of Advanced MG training in 1998 Development of resources such as slide sets (powerpoint), administrative manuals, and text book
Continued … MG web page ( and list serve Advanced training State and regional conferences Collaborative state projects
Consumer Horticulture – Vegetables Dr. Wayne McLaurin
Sample Publications Growing Vegetables Organically Home Vegetable Gardening When to Harvest Vegetables Conserving Water in the Vegetable Garden Herbs in Southern Gardens
Herbs Authored “Herbs in Southern Gardens”; over 1,000 sold. Powerpoint slide series for landscaping with herbs.
Composting and Waste Management
Commercial Horticultural Waste Management Organized interagency committee of university, state, regional and local governments. Helped acquire $2.7 million Bioconversion, Research and Education Center at The University of Georgia. –Established Facility Operators Training Workshops at Bioconversion Center. –Trained 190 Administrators and personnel Developed 15 demonstration/research state projects on compost/waste utilization.
State-Wide Results from Horticultural Waste Management Initiatives 38 compost processors and 553,600 tons/year processed. 63% of local governments that now chip yard trimmings. Nursery use of recycled material; 600,000 pots with incorporated sawmill waste.
Consumer Horticultural Waste Management Co-created first state- wide home composting program –Trained over 800 compost volunteers (Handbook developed and utilized in 22 other states.) –Instrumental in creating 94 permanent composting demonstration sites.
Consumer Ornamental Trends Trend towards drought tolerant and “bullet-proof” plants Organic and BMP alternatives More educated audience with information overload (not all correct) Need for quick electronic transfer of information People less likely to attend seminars. Agent specialty training
Faculty Involvement Commercial and Consumer Faculty involved – 50% of Q and A are homeowners Select publications – –A compilation of Low-Maintenance Plants for Georgia Landscapes –Coping with Watering Restrictions in the Landscape –Environmentally Friendly landscape Practices –Best Management Practices in the Landscape for Homeowners –Xeriscape: A Guide to Developing a Water Wise Landscape
Other Consumer Involvement Agent trainings – (winter school, tours and in-service trainings) Consumer newsletter – Timely Tips, Hort Alert, Hort Fax Center for Urban Agriculture (web page) Field days and open houses Digital diagnostics Multi-state collaboration
Continued Grant of $157,000 for nonpoint source pollution resource development (BMP booklet, training manual, and programs) Radio Program T.V. involvement –”Gardening in Georgia” Metro Agent List Serve
Consumer Horticulture Fruits Dr. Gerard Krewer
Current Faculty One general specialist for most of home fruit calls (half of all calls are homeowner) Tri-state funded apple specialist Peach specialist Specialized Agents
Faculty Involvement Select publications: –Grafting Fruit trees in the Home Orchard –Home Garden Series, ie. apples, figs, pears, etc. –Numerous news articles Master Gardener Support County Agent Trainings Multi-state agent Trainings
Consumer Horticulture Needs Tenure track credit for teaching master gardener programs Continued update of materials – slide sets, powerpoint presentations, manual Travel money for specialists to assist agents with programs Electronic delivery of programs, ie GSAMS or a web based MG program Train the trainer program to encourage more MG participation in teaching classes
Needs continued Specialized agent training Additional computer support to add fact sheets and brochures to web site Creation of strong computer data base for agents and master gardeners Continued faculty computer training to enhance current skills, ie powerpoint Full-time home fruit specialist
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