Plant growth, development, and reproduction Horticulture I C TIB Plant growth, development, and reproduction
Describe the sciences 1.Biology is the study of both plants and animals. 2. The science and practice of growing field crops such as corn, cotton, soybeans is Agronomy. 3. Forestry is growing trees for lumber and plywood.
Describe the sciences 4. The applied science of growing plants for food or beauty is Horticulture. 5. The main way to distinguish between the applied sciences is to look at the purpose that the plants are grown.
Life cycles 1. Annuals complete their life cycle in one year. 2. Biennials complete cycle in two years. 3. Perennial plants take three or more years to complete their life cycle. 4. Trees live many years so they are perennial.
Leaf retention 1. A deciduous tree will drop it leaves in the dormant season (winter) it is part of its biological process. 2. So, a tree that has no leaves in winter is Deciduous. 3. A tree that’s keeps its leaves all year is EVERGREEN. 4. A plant that is turgid is swollen with moisture.
Plant parts 1. Incomplete flowers only have a male or female flower part. 2. Plants with fibrous root systems are easier to transplant. 3.Guard Cells are what cause stomates on the leaf to open and close. 4. The cambium is the part of the dicot stem that produces new cells for growth.
Plant parts 5. Plants are green because of the Chloroplasts in them. 6. The xylem and phloem are in small bundles thought the stem in a monocot stem 7. The margin is the edge of the leaf. 8. Leaf scars are part of the stem. 9. Lateral buds are on the side of the stem.
Function of plant parts 1. Photosynthesis takes place in leaves which begins the food chain for all living things . 2. Flowers attract insects to the plant to help pollination. 3.Roots anchor, store food, and absorb water for the plant. 4. The ovary is the part of the flower that turns into a fruit.
Function of plant parts 5. The main function of plant seeds is sexual reproduction. 6. The main function of fruit is to protect, carry, and give the seed nourishment.
Plant processes and stages of growth 1.The chemical formula for photosynthesis 6CO2 + 6H2O => C6H12 06 + 6O2 2.Plants will drown if water fills all the air spaces in the soil. 3.Transpiration is the evaporation of water form a leaf surface. 4.oxygen is the byproduct of photosynthesis.
Plant processes and stages of growth 5.Flowers and fruits are produced in the plants reproductive stage of growth. 6. In the dormant stage of growth, plants don’t grow or grow very little. 7.Absorption is the name of the process in which roots take water from the soil. 8.Juvenile plants are plants that is just beginning to grow from a seed.
Plant processes and stages of growth 9. Seeds are involved in reproduction. 10. Cell elongation is the stage of growth when plant cells enlarge. 11. Sugar is the main product of photosynthesis.
Phases of plant cell growth 1.the amount of oxygen used in plant respiration is less then the amount produced by photosynthesis. 2. Photosynthesis is the process in plants that produces all food. 3. The cell wall provides support for the cell. 4. Differentiation is the stage where cells specialize.
Phases of plant cell growth 5. Epidermal tissues form the outer layer of a plant structure. 6. In the elongation region, the roots cells grow and increase in size. 7. Cells are the basic unit of growth in plants. 8. Heredity is the location of a cell nucleus. 9. Roots, stems, and leaves grow in Vegetative growth.
Effects on plants 1. For plants production to be at its best all essential environmental factors must be optimum. 2. Over watering causes root systems to be small, plants to be taller, and causes large soft growths. 3. Photoperiodism is the effect that length of day has on plant flowering.
Effects on plants 4. Tissues are groups of cells classified by origin, structure, and physiology. 5. Mineral nutrients don’t have a affect on seeds unless planted directly in it. 6. Wilting will occur if plants are under watered. 7.Unfavorable growth conditions cause more diseases in plants.
Effects on plants 8. Plants need lots of water because the cells have large percentages of it in them. 9. Seedlings that don’t receive enough light will have tall slender stems.
Scientific classifications 1. Vomitoria’s scientific name is Ilex Vomitoria. 2.Ficus elastica, also known as decora rubber plant is a variety of ‘Decora”. 3. Pine tress’s scientific name includes the word “Pinus” 4. Ficus benjamina is also know as Weeping Fig.
Life Cycles 1. Flowering Dogwoods have white, four bract flowers with brown ends at each bract, and a crooked trunk and branches.
Scientific classifications 5. The genus is the first word for a scientific name. 6. Acer palmatum is also know as the Japanese Maple. 7. Words used in scientific Classification come form Latin. 8.Flowering Dogwoods are cornus florida. 9. The genus of both Catawba and Azaleas Rhododendron is Rhododendron.
Scientific classifications 10. The genus Ilex includes Dwarf Yaupon, Helleria Holly, and Dwarf Burford Holly. 11. Rhodendron kiusianum is the scientific name for Azalea. 12. The scientific name cv is cultivar.