Post-harvest Horticulture Masters / Post-graduate Diploma The Natural Resources Institute Food Systems Department, University of Greenwich Web page: Post-harvest Horticulture Masters / Post-graduate Diploma The Natural Resources Institute Food Systems Department, University of Greenwich Web page: OBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAMME: The Natural Resources Institute (NRI) is an internationally renown centre of excellence for research, consultancy and training in the management of renewable natural resources in agriculture, fisheries, forestry and the environment. On successful completion of the programme, participants are provided with the skills needed to: evaluate existing commodity management systems; evaluate existing commodity management systems; design and introduce improvements to those systems; design and introduce improvements to those systems; communicate effectively with policy makers and with colleagues in multi-disciplinary teams; communicate effectively with policy makers and with colleagues in multi-disciplinary teams; secure employment in Commodity Production,Quality Control and Quality Management, Research and Development, Distribution and Marketing, Industry Management, Consultancy and Education. secure employment in Commodity Production,Quality Control and Quality Management, Research and Development, Distribution and Marketing, Industry Management, Consultancy and Education. The Post-graduate Diploma (PGDip) consists of six core courses. Students who progress to the Masters (M.Sc) will study Research Methodology (Course7) before conducting a Research Project (Course 8) and submitting a thesis for examination Courses 1, 3,4, 5 and 7 carry 15 credit ratings, courses 2 and 6 carry 30 credits, the Research project carries 45 credits. Date: January 2001 : Specialist Core Courses: Course 1: Post-harvest physiology of perishable commodities Post-harvest biology of perishables Instrumentation and methodology Course 2: Preparation of perishable crops for marketing Handling and transportation Packaging Packaging station design, equipment and operation Commercial ripening Processing and product utilisation Food Safety and processing Course 3: Assessment and management of post-harvest losses Post-harvest diseases, their management and control Chemical pest control, fumigation, pesticide residues Post-harvest physiological disorders and their control Course 4: Quality management and marketing Fruit, vegetables and root crop marketing Pre-harvest and harvesting factors affecting product quality and storage Regulatory requirements including European legislation Design and implementation of quality assurance systems Course 5: Information and Communication Communication skills Extension methods Information Technology Course 6: Project assignment A project relevant to the student’s professional needs submitted as a dissertation. A one-year course: PGDip four months starting in March; M.Sc (having completed the PGDip) eight months either at NRI or in participant’s home country. The Post-harvest Horticulture programme is also available in a distance learning mode of delivery. Participants access the programme via the World Wide Web through the dedicated University of Greenwich on-line campus.