Club Projects Garden Club of Monroeville, PA GCM Purposes are… In addition to enjoying each other as friends, gardeners, artists and explorers, we keep our members learning and growing in the practice of gardening by achieving several conservation and civic goals, e.g.: SPONSOR GCM MEET/GREET ADULT EVENING PROGRAMS AT MONROEVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY MAINTAIN TWO MONROEVILLE GARDENS (University Park Drive and Beatty Road; Illini Drive and Elliot Road) SPONSOR SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS FOR 12 ANNUAL GCFP SCHOLARSHIPS SUPPORT CHARITIES, E.G., "BUILDING NEW HOPE” AND LOCAL CHARITIES INVEST TIME AND TALENTS FOR LOCAL, DISTRICT VII AND STATE LEVEL MEMBERS OF THE GARDEN CLUB FEDERATION OF PENNSYLVANIA The Garden Club of Monroeville (formerly University Park Garden Club) was founded in 1959 as an affiliate of District VII of the Garden Club Federation of Pennsylvania (GCFP), which is part of the Central Atlantic Region of National Garden Clubs, Inc. (NGC). The Club changed its name in 2012 to better reflect its membership territory, which includes that of the six garden clubs that formerly existed in Monroeville. To aid in the protection and conservation of natural resources, promote civic beautification and encourage the improvement of roadsides and parks. To encourage the establishment and maintenance of botanical gardens, arboreta and horticultural centers for the advancement of science and to foster the enjoyment and education of the public. To advance the study of gardening, landscape design, floral design as well as horticulture and environmental issues. To cooperate with other organizations to further interests in horticulture, conservation, environmental protection and beautification. To coordinate with the Garden Club Federation of Pennsylvania to maintain and improve quality floral and gardening processes.
Why develop your gardening interests and skills? (by the editors of PureHealthMD) Contact Us Garden Club of Monroeville, PA (GCM) - To increase the physical activity of seniors who need to increase daily movement and young children who often lack physical exertion. [Source: Gostic].Gostic - To encourage youth to try a greater range of fruits and vegetables. [Source: Guenther] [Source: Robinson-O'brien]. GuentherRobinson-O'brien - To promote physical and mental health through relaxation and satisfaction, and better nutrition [Source: Wakefield].Wakefield - To help prevent dementia in seniors [Source: Fabrigoule].Fabrigoule - To provide more affordable whole foods consumption, in place of processed options. - To provide extra food for the family, savings on food purchases and another means of income if sold at local farmers markets [Source: Lombard].Lombard - To be able to teach others about gardening. - To enhance social interaction and a better sense of community [Source: Wakefield, Lombard, Armstrong]. WakefieldLombardArmstrong - To promote a positive mental outlook [Source: Wakefield, Lombard, Armstrong].WakefieldLombardArmstrong The Garden Club of Monroeville usually meets every second Wednesday in February, March, April, May, June, September, October, November and December at: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 4530 Old William Penn Highway, Monroeville, PA AND Meets with the public at quarterly Monroeville Library presentations co- sponsored by the Club. Contact the Garden Club of Monroeville (PA) website at to be our guest for the next meeting! - to find out more about GCFP scholarships for high school and college level students studying horticulture-related topics “Given that antidepressants are some of the most commonly prescribed medications, a prescription for some flowers, plants or tomatoes might be a refreshing change.” (PureHealthMD) “Get into your backyard and develop a greater consciousness of the world in which we live.” (PureHealthMD) “Join a club to meet people with common interests, make friends and build friendships.” ( “Learning something new keeps the mind alert and active, as does maintaining a long-term interest in something that enthralls you.” (How to Find a Hobby) Garden clubs promote indoor and outdoor activities that help make you a more interesting person, give you something fascinating to talk about with others, and help avoid boredom.