Kaitlyn Lingus Ashton DilkaKelsey Wilson Shannon Thompson Kelsey Heupel Andrea Leininger
Attends La Junta High School 4.12 GPA Ranked 11 th in her class Participates in Cross Country, Band, and Drama Member of FBLA and National Honor Society Member of Our Lady of Guadalupe/St. Patrick’s Sings in the Choir Altar Server Plans on attending Casper College Major in Agricultural Engineering or Range Management Catholic Parish
4-H (9 year member) Served as President, Secretary, & Treasurer Projects include: Livestock Judging, Horse, FFA (2 year member) Served as Secretary for 2 years “I have lived and breathed Agriculture my whole life”. Sewing, Leathercraft, Decorate Your Duds
Attends Greeley West High School 4.01 GPA Ranked 22 nd in her class Varsity letterman in Girls Soccer Member of National Honor Society, Key Club, Student Council, Horticulture Club STAND (Students Taking a New Direction), Interact, & Big Brother/Big Sister Program Coordinates the Sub for Santa Project Plans on attending Colorado State University Major in Horticulture or Rangeland Ecology
FFA (3 year member) Member of the Gold State FFA Floriculture Team (twice) Individual Gold in Nursery and Landscape Design “I want to make the world a better place”. Volunteers at the Guadalupe Center Works part-time at Barnes & Noble Volunteers at A Woman’s Place Member of Genesis Church Participates in the Youth Group Traveled to Kansas to re-build houses for less privileged families
Attends Briggsdale High School 4.0 GPA Ranked 1 st in her class Participates in Volleyball, Basketball, & Cheerleading Member of FCCLA (Family, Career, Community Leaders of America), FBLA, National Honor Society, Drama, Choir, Plans of attending Colorado State University Major in Ag Education/Ag Business/Animal Science
4-H (9 year member) FFA (4 year member) Served as President, Reporter, & Historian “I was born with the love of Agriculture in me”. Earned her Greenhand & Chapter Degrees Working towards her State Degree Projects include: Vet Science, Pocket Pets, Market and Breeding Swine, Pygmy Goats
Attends Weldon Valley High School 4.0 GPA Ranked 1 st in her class Participates in Volleyball, Basketball, Baseball, and Band Member of FLBA, Student Council, and National Honor Society Member of Weldon Valley Presbyterian Church Active in Youth Group Plans on attending Colorado State University Major in Horticulture
“The way of farm life is very near and dear to my heart”. 4-H (12 year member) Served as President, Vice President, & Secretary Projects include: Market & Breeding Sheep, Pigs, Vet Science, Livestock Judging, Morgan County Fair Superintendent FFA (4 year member) Served as President, Vice President, & Reporter Earned her State Degree Working towards her American Degree Sewing, Photography
Attends Montezuma Cortez High School 4.0 GPA Ranked 1 st in her class Member of National Honor Society Member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Plans on attending Brigham Young University Major in Agribusiness, Science & Technology with an Agribusiness emphasis Received her Honors Diploma in Agriculture Received her Young Womanhood Recognition
4-H (10 year member) Served as Secretary, Treasurer, & County Council Representative, President, & Vice President Projects include: Market Lambs, Quilting, Cake Decorating, FFA (4 year member) Served as President & Vice President Member of two-time State qualifying Parliamentary Procedure Team “I knew early on that agriculture was my place”. Presently working on her State Degree Junior Leadership, Cooking, Breeding Rabbits, Knitting, Sewing, & Tatting
Attends Branson High School 4.0 GPA Ranked 1 st in her class Participates in Volleyball, Basketball, & Drama Member of Student Council, National Honor Society Science Fair participant at Local, State, Regional, & International Levels Plans on Attending Colorado State University Double major in Soil & Crop Sciences and Ag Business Ambassador for the Pinon Canyon Expansion Opposition Coalition
4-H ( year member) Served as President, Vice President, Secretary, Projects include: Market lambs, Livestock Judging, Treasurer, County Senator, & Fair Ambassador FFA (4 year member) Served as Chapter President for 2 years Currently San Isabel District President Swine, & Horses
Discovered a mite that is host specific to Field Bindweed Completed a four phase research/experimental project on the mite and has found that the mite completely eradicates the weed The research had been published and has attracted the interest of professors from Colorado, Texas, & Oklahoma “I am proud to be another generation that will uphold the tradition of Ag production in Colorado”.