3 2.7 times 2.8 times Within Horticulture, perishable commodities trends higher & drives growing demand for perishable handling. 7 Years
Trend% Change Fruits & Vegetables299.4 Floriculture156.6 Spices273.1 Cashew2.5 Total Rs Crore
Quality Planting Material Rejuvenation High Density Planting Protected Cultivation Micro-Irrigation Market linked PHM Information Flow & convergence Area Expansion Percent of Subsidy Conventional Nursery Stand alone Infrastructure Over lapping activities
Realistic Cost Norms Align with market status and business viability. Introduction of New components New technology and options Rationalization of subsidy patterns Combination of components, holistic use. Greater responsibility of states Selection and Implementation Thrust to Agri-entrepreneurship FPOs and Private participation
Second interface of the year Translating Knowledge to Action Regional and state level workshops with commodity specific agenda Understanding Research priorities Encouraging Private sector Application based Knowledge sharing Follow up with regular feedback system
8 GOI: Oversee implementation. Review by Executive Committee. Release of funds. Monitor policy direction State Govts: Implementation. Identify and select projects. Assess viability and technology. Training of Farmers. Execute action plan. SFAC, NLAs & TSG: Target Areas. Facilitate mobilization of farmers into FIG/FPO. Facilitate linkage with Market and FI. Own Action plans Hortnet: Information Feedback Implement IT tech. Monitor and pipe information.
9 Projected population in 2020 : 1.3 billion. Projected population in 2050 : 1.6 billion. Land Area same, need to enhance productivity to meet ever growing demand. Protected Cultivation, Hybrid Seeds, Better production technology, reduced resource wastage, Precision Farming required. Post harvest care and market links through improved supply chain to ensure availability of quality & quantity of food at reasonable costs.