Biosolids Recycling ACP Compost Solutions Workshop UC Riverside Extension February 28, 2007
Biosolids Processing Digestion Conveyance System Dewatering Cake Storage End Use
History of Biosolids Management 1980’s 1990’s Class B Land Application 2000’s Class A
Recycling Compliance with EPA Environmental Management System (EMS) Member agencies use material Sensitive to local communities Recycling Compliance with EPA Environmental Management System (EMS) Member agencies use material Sensitive to local communities Board Resolution 02-18
SWRCB General Order “…the beneficial use of biosolids through land application under this General Order is environmentally sound and preferable to non-beneficial disposal.”
Class B Biosolids Land Application County Bans are Spreading Present 1999
Regulatory Setting Federal State Local District and County
February 17, 2005 News 17 KGET Lawsuit Challenges Kern’s Biosolids Law March 1, 2005 The Bakersfield Californian Mired in Protest: Passionate residents speak at meeting against sewage site February 15, 2005 The Bakersfield Californian Sludge Report: Supervisors Still At It Board asks county lawyers to look into ban… February 19, 2005 The Bakersfield Californian Welcome to Kern, Toilet of California
Public Outrage! California didn’t want it! We don’t want it! We don’t want the flies! We don’t want the stench! WE DON’T WANT IT! California didn’t want it! We don’t want it! We don’t want the flies! We don’t want the stench! WE DON’T WANT IT!
Option Uncertainty Price Instability How Do We Develop a Sustainable Program? Regulatory Changes Public Perception
Amount of Biosolids Increasing Recycling Class B Options Decreasing
Elements of a Long-Term Biosolids Management Plan Treatment Improvements Vendors & Product Technologies MarketsMarkets
19 Markets Evaluated 11 Cropping 8 Non-Crop
Top 6 Long-Term Markets Nurseries and Ornamentals OCSD Member Cities & Agencies (open space) Shade Tree Programs Retail Outlets Energy Production Construction Materials
Horticulture – Retail Bags Market Size: 200 tons per day Exercise Caution Not to Saturate Market Good Public Acceptance Product: compost or pellets Market Size: 200 tons per day Exercise Caution Not to Saturate Market Good Public Acceptance Product: compost or pellets Retail Outlets
Horticulture – Nurseries & Ornamentals Nurseries and Ornamentals Market Size: 195 tons per day Exercise Caution Not to Saturate Market Many Marketplaces, Long-Standing Industry Product: compost or pellets Market Size: 195 tons per day Exercise Caution Not to Saturate Market Many Marketplaces, Long-Standing Industry Product: compost or pellets
Horticulture – OCSD’s Member Agencies for Landscapes OCSD Member Cities and Agencies (open space) Market Size: 28 tons per day 14% OCSD’s Daily Production Important PR to Use Biosolids Locally Product: compost or pellets Market Size: 28 tons per day 14% OCSD’s Daily Production Important PR to Use Biosolids Locally Product: compost or pellets
Silviculture – Shade Tree Programs Shade Tree Programs Market Size: very small (½ ton per day) Market Untapped Important PR to Use Biosolids Locally Product: compost or pellets Market Size: very small (½ ton per day) Market Untapped Important PR to Use Biosolids Locally Product: compost or pellets
Construction Materials Market Size: very large (560+ tons per day) Market Untapped Existing Soil Recovery Facilities in So. Cal. Product: soil fill material Market Size: very large (560+ tons per day) Market Untapped Existing Soil Recovery Facilities in So. Cal. Product: soil fill material
Direct Energy Production Market Size: unlimited Existing Mothballed Biomass Plants in Central Valley California Green Power Product: chars / pellets / power Market Size: unlimited Existing Mothballed Biomass Plants in Central Valley California Green Power Product: chars / pellets / power
13 Product Technologies Evaluated
Top 6 Product Technologies Organo-Mineral Fertilizer Pyrolysis (creating fuel products) Power Generation (at existing biomass power plants) Heat Drying (pellets) Composting Heat Treatment
Product–Market Integration Composting Pellets Fills / Soils Chars Electricity Member Agencies (landscape) Nurseries & Ornamentals Retail Outlets Shade Tree Programs Construction Materials Energy Production
Long-Term Sustainability = Diversification Multiple Technologies Multiple Contractors Multiple Technologies Multiple Contractors Multiple Products / Markets Failsafe Options Multiple Products / Markets Failsafe Options
Class B Transition Strategy to Higher-End Products
Biosolids Advisory Committee Examine various implementation proposals Make a recommendation to the Board Effectively represent the entire community Deliver a report upon completion Over 1,000 hours spent Examine various implementation proposals Make a recommendation to the Board Effectively represent the entire community Deliver a report upon completion Over 1,000 hours spent
Higher Cost Reuse In-County Options Sustainability Higher Cost Reuse In-County Options Sustainability Low Cost Non-Reuse Higher Risk Low Cost Non-Reuse Higher Risk Option 2: Continue Current Practices, and Utilize Landfills Option 1: Invest in High End Products Biosolids Management Plan
Multiple Options = Diversification = Long-Term Sustainability Limit 33% total any one facility Up to 50% peak capacity Limit 33% total any one facility Up to 50% peak capacity 100% Failsafe Backup Option Production Sites Vendors Markets Max 50% total production to any vendor 50% temp provisions with each vendor Max 50% total production to any vendor 50% temp provisions with each vendor Max 50% total production to a market Up to 50% backup alternative markets Max 50% total production to a market Up to 50% backup alternative markets
Orange County Sanitation District