Environmental conditions Maximum (ºC) Minimum (ºC) Rainfall (mm) 2014 June July August June July August June ,8 July August Normale ( ) June July August
Plants 50 seeds of each cultivar were sown in plug trays (200 cells) containing PGX seedling substrate (Premier Horticulture, Rivière-du-Loup,Quebec). When plants reached the 3 to 4 leaf stage, they were transplanted into 36, 24 or 18-cell trays (ITML Horticultural Products) containing Sunshine Mix 1 (Sungrow Horticulture). Cuttings supplied as plugs were transplanted into 10 cm pots. Cuttings already in 10 cm pots were placed in the greenhouse.
Fertilization Plants were fertilized once a day according to stage of development. Before transplanting (seedlings): 50 ppm of nitrogen from or 50 ppm of nitrogen from on an alternating basis. Plants were also watered according to need at the end of the day. After transplanting and vegetative stage: 200 ppm of nitrogen from (twice a week). The pH of irrigation water was always adjusted to 6 with phosphoric acid.
Cultural practices Plants were transplanted into ground beds between 10 June and 17 June. Several days before planting, soil was rotor tilled in the beds. Compost was added in each bed, with the volume applied depending on the initial height of the soil. A slow release fertilizer was added to beds 1.5 kg / m 2 Acer (3-month slow release). Hanging baskets were fertilized with a slow release fertilizer (60 g of Acer ). On July 9, plants were fertilized with 250 ppm of nitrogen from On July 30, plants were fertilized with 400 ppm of nitrogen from The pH of irrigation water was always adjusted to 6 with phosphoric acid. Plants were watered according to need which was evaluated on a daily basis. Frequency depended on climatic conditions.
Performance of cultivars Cultivars were evaluated on a scale of 1 to 5. Data is shown graphically: 1. Plants dead 2. Poor performance Few flowers (10 to 20%) Foliage damaged by disease, insects Little tolerance of climatic conditions 3. Good performance Flowering (30 à 60%) Plants not uniform Slight foliage damage 4. Very good performance Flowering (70 to 80%) No foliage damage Slight lack of uniformity 5. Excellent performance Flowering 80 to 100% Plants very uniform Exceptional growth, foliage without damage Flowering % was recorded. A second graphic shows the evolution of the % of flowering throughout the season.