PLANT SCIENCES FOREST SCIENCE TURFGRASS SCIENCE AGROECOLOGY LANDSCAPE CONTRACTING HORTICULTURE Integrated Crop Management Plant Science Production Science Landscape Build/Design Landscape Managment MajorsOptions
Dean’s Charge (10/26/2010) The proposed curriculum needs to: 1.Be attractive to students 2.Prepare students for future job market 3.Reinforce our core competency of experiential learning 4.Increase cross-utilization of courses 5.Incorporate student learning outcomes 6.Support University expectations on faculty workload, elimination of under- enrolled majors & course sections Plant Sciences Curriculum
Plans for the New Curriculum Create Plant Sciences Team from all current PS majors Develop four(+) options under one Plant Sciences Major Specializations/concentrations possible & encouraged, but not required Flexibility of course selections within all Plant Sciences options Develop & offer co-taught “common core courses” for Plant Sciences majors Promote existing Minors within the College Develop new related Minors: Organic Agriculture; Plant Biotechnology, etc.
TIME LINE January 2011, Plant Sciences team met to develop initial concept for major/options Met weekly throughout Spring 2011 semester Late Spring 2011, recommended version for faculty review, feedback, and discussion Summer 2011, continued meeting bi-weekly Early Fall 2011, major and curriculum revised and finalized within College Mid-Fall 2011, submit major for approval Goal to have approved and ready to offer by Academic Year
TIME LINE January 2011, Plant Sciences team met to develop initial concept for major/options Met weekly throughout Spring 2011 semester Late Spring 2011, recommended version for faculty review, feedback, and discussion Summer 2011, continued meeting bi-weekly Early Fall 2011, have major and curriculum revised and finalized within College Mid-Fall 2011, submit major for approval Goal to have approved and ready to offer by Academic Year
PLANTSCIENCESMAJOR Agroecology Option Horticulture Option Crop Production Option Science Option FOREST SCIENCE TURFGRASS SCIENCE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTING Options