Capacity Building for Addressing Climate Change in Himachal Pradesh 25 April 2014, Shimla.


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Presentation transcript:

Capacity Building for Addressing Climate Change in Himachal Pradesh 25 April 2014, Shimla

To strengthen resilience of vulnerable communities in the Indian Himalayas is connect and enhance knowledge and capacities of research institutions, communities, and decision-makers Informed Adaptation Policy Science Capacity Building State Level Processes for Community Adaptation IHCAP Goal

Designed to work with existing country systems at National and State levels IHCAP is based on MoU between Government of India and Government of Switzerland for Joint Cooperation on Science & Technology Strengthening Capacities in the Himalayan states on research and capacity building on climate change adaptation under NMSHE & SAPCC - Synergy with NMSHE & SAPCC for institutional strengthening on climate change adaptation planning and implementation at the State level - In the first phase: Himachal Pradesh with the possibility to extend to other states Enhancing human and institutional scientific capacities under NMSHE Leverages DST’s effort for improving scientific capacities for science and climate adaptation in the Himalayas through its network of institutions. At the policy level, the programme focuses on facilitating a dialogue between Himalayan States through the systems created by DST and MoEF IHCAP: Supporting Country System

MoU between Government of India and Government of Switzerland for Joint Cooperation on Science & Technology SDC-DST Joint Working Group (JWG) on Glaciology and Related Areas Programme Steering Committee Science Capacity Building Institutional Strengthening of State Level Processes on Adaptation Polic y Coordinators Programme Management Unit (PMU) IHCAP: Governance Structure

Strategy for State Level Processes Strengthening State Level Processes for Adaptation Planning and Implementation: Strengthen the capacities of Himachal Pradesh Centre for Climate Change (HPCCC), Indian Scientists and Institutions on VA, risk & hazard assessment and adaptation planning. Build capacities at various levels of governance on developing and implementing adaptation measures and solutions. –Research studies, field experience and community participation in Kullu district to guide processes. –Dialogue between communities and government stakeholders at district and state level. 5 HPCCC Creating Capacities at State Level Science enabled Adaptation through collaborative research Capacity Building on Adaptation Planning, Implementation and Policy HPCCC, GBPIHED + Indian Institutions HPCCC University of Geneva/Zurich Stakeholders in the Kullu District and NGO partners

Comparing NMSHE linkages in the IHR SAPCCs

Training Needs Assessment for Capacity Building in Himachal Pradesh for Climate Change Adaptation Strengthening State Level Processes for Adaptation Planning and Implementation Outcome 1.Mapping of Training Needs at different level in the state 2.Identification of host institutions and partners for conducting adaptation capacity building programme 3.Suggestions for programme design and modules

Approach towards Identifying Training needs Suggest Implementation Arrangement Literature review and discussions: climate trends, projected changes and Identification of most vulnerable sectors Literature review and discussions: climate trends, projected changes and Identification of most vulnerable sectors Undertake survey at: State level, District (Kullu & Sirmaur), At Village Panchayat level Undertake survey at: State level, District (Kullu & Sirmaur), At Village Panchayat level Assess training gaps Assess training gaps Map institutions across the levels of governance vis a vis the identified vulnerable sectors Map institutions across the levels of governance vis a vis the identified vulnerable sectors Map relevant officials in the institutions identified for the interview Map relevant officials in the institutions identified for the interview Design questionnaire to assess gaps in CC proofing in consultation with HP Gov Suggest Modules and Contents

Vulnerable sectors Identified Agriculture and Horticulture Forest and Biodiversity Tourism Water Resources Hydropower Habitats Human Health Disaster Management

Typical questions asked All Departments managing natural resources and habitats What are the key climate change impacts and associated vulnerabilities relevant to the sector that you are managing? Are they being addressed through the various trainings that you are undertaking to implement the programmes aimed at managing the sector? If yes -how? And if not, according to you what elements need to be added in the trainings to address the concerns? Planning and Finance Planning: Is the processes within Department ensuring inclusion of CC concerns in the annual and five year plan? Are there any criteria set to judge the same? Finance : Is the Department considering climate concerns as a strategic area where financial prioritization needs to be done?

Typical questions asked Gram Panchayat Level What are the climate change signals that you are observing? How do you think they are affecting your agriculture, horticulture, water availability, your health, and energy needs? What are the various government programmes that you are accessing? How do you think the concerns identified by you as CC concerns are being addressed by these programmes? What type of training do you think will be necessary for you to take actions required to adjust to these changes?

Observations No specific content on vulnerability to climate change in majority of the training modules Only Department of Forests, DEST, Department of Horticulture, and SDMA have introduced climate change as a stand alone subject; Not linked to sectoral vulnerabilities –Planning of cropping patterns –Knowledge about indigenous climate hardy crops and new CC resilient cultivars –Disaster management and climate change have not yet come together in the training scheme of SDMA Need to internalize HPSAPCC and strategies formulated therein

Suggested Programmes A combination of two orientation programmes and three training programmes When implemented, will be the first step towards integrating action towards climate proofing and hence integrating climate change in development in Himachal Pradesh Institutional arrangement: - HPCCC for overall coordination - HIPA to host training programmes

Orientation Programmes Legislators’ Forum (half day) To enable legislators internalise the climate change concerns of the State and hence facilitate formulation and adoption of policies to address the same. Round Table on Climate Change (One day) Aims to provide the planners with an update on the latest developments on climate change issues internationally, India’s response and the concerns of climate change for the State To focus on a discussion on identification of priority actions by each departments to address the CC concerns and how the implementation of the actions can be facilitated

Training Programme Level 1 Target Group - Directors and Head of the Departments in the State and District Objective- The purpose of this training will be to –Awareness of the climate change impacts and adaptation needs –Enable them develop M&E for tracking adaptation actions and –Enable them to identify the capacity building requirements to address climate change impacts and vulnerabilities Duration- 3 days + 1 day field trip No. of programmes – 2 per year

Training Programme Level 2 Target group - Mid-level officials in the State/ District; nominees for trainers from different Universities/ Institutions from HP Objective –Have a hands on experience to identify the vulnerability of the sectors that they are managing vis a vis climate change –Enable devise adaptation actions at field level –Formulate M&E frameworks for tracking adaptation and –Enable them to evaluate their own capacity building needs. Duration- 4 days + 1 day of field visit No. of programmes- 2 per year

Training Programme Level 3 Target- To develop Master Trainers from the pool of field officials nominated from various departments, Universities and NGOs Objective: This training will enable integration of climate change concerns and hence adaptation planning in village planning, district planning and state planning. Duration – 10 days including field visits No. of programmes – 4 in 2014 and one refresher course in 2015

Trainers: International Experts, National Experts, and Local Experts HPCCC Legislators forum Legislators forum Round Table on Climate Change Round Table on Climate Change Level 1 Senior level officials State Ɛ+ District Level 1 Senior level officials State Ɛ+ District Level 2 Mid level officials from state and district departments Level 2 Mid level officials from state and district departments Level 3- Training for Master Trainers Nominees from departments/ext ension officers/field level officers + Universities and Institutes in HP including NGOs Level 3- Training for Master Trainers Nominees from departments/ext ension officers/field level officers + Universities and Institutes in HP including NGOs Module 1 Module 1- 6 Modules 1 to 7 - Basic General Module Sectoral Module Himachal Institute for Public Administration (HIPA)

Course Modules Module 1: Common understanding of climate change science, its impacts, vulnerability and adaptation needs in Himalayan region and specifically in the Himachal context Module 2: Enhanced awareness about observed climate trends, projected climate scenarios and projected impacts Module 3: Assessment of vulnerability of different developmental plans/ programmes of the State and hence basis for integration of adaptation strategies within them Module 4: Identifying broad range of adaptation options and identifying priority options Module 5: Introduction to M&E Framework to ensure that the adaptation strategies being implemented are adequately addressing the identified vulnerabilities Module 6: Developing a comprehensive approach for augmenting capacities needed for action on adaptation

Module 7 Understanding climate stresses, vulnerability and adaptation planning vis a vis existing programmes and projects of the various departments at district level, block level and village level for various sectors Sub Module 1: Understanding the integrated impacts climate and other stresses and their impacts on activities related to water resource management, agriculture, forests, biodiversity, eco-tourism, human habitats, human health and energy needs Sub Module 2: Identification of gaps in action taken as a part of the various programmes and projects that are unable to address these stresses Sub Module 3: Identification of local knowledge available on existing coping strategies and identification of new and additional strategies for adaptation Sub Module 4: Integrating adaptation needs in district planning/village planning that might be in terms of technical knowledge, through diversification of livelihoods including insurance and capacity building for managing adaptation action

Thank you For more information, please contact: IHCAP- Programme Management Unit