Facilitating Farmers in doing IPM in East Java, North Sumatera and West Sumatera Progress of activity by FIELD Indonesia Workshop of the USAID IPM CRSP Regional Project for Southeast Asia Phnom Penh – Cambodia October 22-23, 2012
Activities in East Java (Waru Jinggo village, Leces sub district, Probolinggo) Working with: Farmers of Probolinggo Supported by: Bukit Tinggi Laboratory (West Sumatera) for Se-NPV
Activities: IPM FFS on Shallot & Farmer Study Season #1: IPM FFS on Shallot Season #2: (ongoing) Farmer Field Study - Comparison of different treatments for controlling Spodoptera exigua 1.Use of Net 2.Se-NPV 3.Chemical control (farmer’s practice)
Activities: IPM FFS on Shallot & Farmer Study Result: Farmers become realized that “growing shallot without chemical fertilizer is POSSIBLE” Next: Open the consciousness about chemical pesticides Utilizing Bioagents. Farmer to farmer dissemination on Bioagents
Activities in North Sumatera Working with: Farmers of Sibolangit (Deli Serdang) and Karo District Supported by: Food Crop & Horticulture Protection Center – Bukit Tinggi Laboratory (West Sumatera)
Training on Bioagents – Done by farmers from Sibolangit (Deli Serdang district) and Doulu & Tangkidik (Karo District) – Facilitated by Trainer of Bukit Tinggi Laboratory (West Sumatera) – Supported by training materials from the Philippines (from Ms. Hermie Rapusas & Friends) – Learning about propagation of Trichoderma, Beauveria, Metarhizium, Pseudomonas fluorescens, and VAM. – The learning process documented as manual to be used by other locations (see example in the video)
Continuation of training on Bioagents – From the training, farmers start to do their own propagation and application in the field – Invited new farmer groups to join (in Sibolangit and Tangkidik) – Next: will develop Farmer Posts / “Lab” for Bioagents and Farmer Studies on Bioagents
Survey for NEW SITE: Pakpak Bharat district (North Sumatera) for planning Farmer Field School on Coffee and Citrus Sept 2012 USAID Indonesia (Mr. D. Tambunan) Clemson Team (Mr. Shepard & Mr. Carner) FIELD Team (Kuswara & Cahyana) With Government of Pakpak Bharat District
Problem on Citrus Growing citrus is quite new for local farmers and become wider spread Understanding about citrus and citrus agro-ecosystem is still less, need improvement (i.e, need more understanding about the balance between number of fruits and leaves, nutrition etc) Focus: on pest, mainly fruit fly (while problems faced not only pest, but also diseases, nutrition, etc.) Related to falling fruit, not only caused by fruit fly Fruit fly trap insects trapped: mainly not a fruit fly.
Problem on Citrus Marketing problem: farmer organising is weak, no farmer network on marketing (much weaker to deal with traders) Plan: IPM FFS on CITRUS Farmer Business School
Problem on Coffee Farmers change the variety from Robusta to Arabica (var. Ateng) need new knowledge Some problems related to pest and diseases (CBB etc) Farmers organising related to marketing is still weak Next plan: IPM FFS on Coffee Farmer Business School Potential supporting factor: enthusiasm and support from District Government (Bupati)
Activities in West Sumatera Working With: Farmers of Baso (Agam district) dan Padang Pariaman district In Collaboration with: Food Crop & Horticulture Protection Center – Bukit Tinggi Laboratory Agricultural Service Office of West Sumatera Province USAID’s FIELD Bumi Ceria Program (Building Community Resilience Towards Disaster and Climate Change)
TREATMENTNUMBER OF INFECTED CYLAS A (Beauveria)0,0 a B (Metarrhizium)0,0 a C (No treatment)0,0 a Table 1. Number of C. formicarius infected by Beauveria & Metharizium in one planting season TREATMENTPERCENTAGE OF DAMAGED TUBER (%) B (Metarrhizium)0,00 a A (Beauveria)2,84 a C (Tanpa perlakuan)3,32 a Study on Beauveria vs Cylas on Sweetpotato Table 2. Percentage of damaged tubers caused by C. formicarius
Dissemination of Farmer Study for controlling Cylas formicarius on Sweetpotato in the landscape scale in Nagari
Dissemination.... Dissemination done to other farmer groups in the landscape of sweetpotato growing area (FG Sajati Tunas Muda, Srikandi Saiyo, Murni Sakato) through field trainings Results: farmers start implementing IPM techologies for managing Cylas – Sanitation composting using compost for fertilizing sweet potato – Use of healthy seedling (not infested by Cylas) – Broadening the planting bed – Use of bioagents (Beauveria and Metarhizium)
Dissemination.... Next Plan: The FG still need to outreach more farmers will do more dissemination and farmer to farmer training on Bioagents.
Training on Bioagents Learning on Bioagents by Farmer Group in Baso, Agam (Cylas study FG) Invited other farmers from FIELD Bumi Ceria Project (from 20 Nagari) and other farmers from other Districts (around 60 farmers from 24 Nagaries and 5 districts: Agam, Padang Pariaman, Solok Selatan, Padang and Pesisir Selatan) Facilitated by Trainer from Bukittinggi Laboratory, with learning materials from North Sumatera experience and from The Philippines (thanks to Ms Hermie Rapusas & Friends)
Continuation of the training on Bioagents 12 Nagaries of FIELD Bumi Ceria Project in Padang Pariaman continues to do propagation (with members around 300 persons) FG of Baso, Agam also shared the learning in the 2nd GAPO (West Sumatera’s Organic Farmer Jamboree, attended by around 400 farmers)