Largest and most dominant single contributor. Between 2006 and 2010, contributed an average 22.5 % to GDP. Contribution in form of: ◦ Growing of crops & horticulture ◦ Farming of animals ◦ Agricultural & animal husbandry services ◦ Forestry & logging
Contribution may be higher when value added agricultural products and fishing are taken into account. Strong correlation between performance of agriculture and GDP (MoA).
No. Industry * 1Agriculture and forestry Transport and Communication Manufacturing Wholesale and retail trade, repairs Education GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT BY ACTIVITY (Percent Contributions to GDP)
Country’s population is predominantly rural (~80%). Opportunity for economic engagement is predominantly through agriculture. Best use of the resources available to them, labour, land and water (mainly rain when it comes). This generates other economic activities (Kericho, Kiambu, Kisii, Uasin Gishu,etc)
Good for unlocking economic potential of counties. Creates purchasing power on a wider population base compared to other interventions
80% of country’s land resources classified as arid or semi-arid. Rising population and change of use in the 17 % arable land has led to declining production. Climate change has worsened situation leading to declining or loss of livelihoods and forex. Higher poverty incidence and food insecurity.
Irrigation one of the best ways to sustain production horizontally (more land) and vertically (3-4 times productivity). Supports soil and forest conservation. Responds to national objectives of fighting poverty, ignorance and disease in a very effective way compared to other interventions. Creates mini-economies (Wanguru, Hola, Ahero, Marigat, Bura, etc)
No.Irrigation SchemeArea (ha) Annual Value of Production (Kshs) 1Mwea8,8194 billion 2Bura3, billion 3Hola1, billion 4Perkerra million 5Ahero1, million 6West Kano million 7Bunyala million Gross Value of Annual Production in Irrigation Schemes
Allows for steady supply of raw materials for industry and markets (Delmonte, flower farms, etc). Major player in forex earnings (cut flowers and horticultural produce).
In line with Article 186 (3) of CoK, irrigation development is a national function for now. Appropriate since irrigation often relies on water passing through other counties. Some facilities lie intake works or reservoirs and conveyance systems may be in other counties e.g. Lower Nzoia, Greater Bura, etc. Irrigation is a major consumer of water (70% of all use) thus requires national planning.
National Irrigation potential is 539,000 ha and 1.3 million ha without and with storage respectively. Only 22% of the without storage & 9% of the with storage potential already developed. Huge potential for development exists. NIB compiling a data base of all potential irrigation projects in each county on basin basis
MWI preparing new NWMP, including irrigation. Some counties have no potential unless ground water sources are investigated further. Basin wide approach to irrigation planning recommended by the NIB, at whatever level irrigation development is done. Investments in technology should depend on opportunity cost of water.
Benefits shall accrue when economies of scale are achieved for each investment (at project and household level) Irrigation schemes can be a major source of revenue for counties (Mwea and Kirinyaga, Bura/Hola and Tana River, Baringo and Perkerra).
Competition for resources and order in priority list. Inadequate number of professionals with required experience (scope, complexity, exposure). Water resource availability, access & quality. Social and environmental aspects (land) Beneficiary participation
Small farm sizes at household level leading to poor economies of scale (sustainability) in some projects. Inapproriate level of infrastructure services e.g. roads, power, e.t.c. otherwise high costs and low prices of produce. Inadequate irrigated agriculture production capacity (farmers and extension officers) Inadequate market support services.
Immense unutilized irrigation potential, including green houses. Existing high demand for agricultural produce within the country and the region. Adequate (idle) labour. Refocusing on irrigation and water storage investments internationally. Achievement of Vision 2030 targets (industrialisation/socio-economic growth)
Parliament passed a motion to develop at least 2,000 acres per constituency.