Improving the governance of schemes Ramanjaneyulu
The Crisis Increasing Costs of Cultivation Trapped in high-risk high-input agriculture Unremunerative Prices; Devaluing of agricultural produce Disparity and neglect of rainfed areas and dryland crops Ecologically unsustainable models Lack of holding capacity among small farmers Processing and marketing not in farmers’ hands Decrease in public investments; skewed subsidies Increasing Living Costs
Wrong framework Our models of agriculture and support systems are not based on our situations and needs Green Revolution was technology and productivity centric From 90s we have become technology and market centric Both never cared for the externalities
Focus on Farm Incomes & Sustainability Make incomes of small farmers the focus of Agriculture policy; Sustaining small farmers not pushing them out of agriculture Economical and Ecological Sustainability Why? Foundation of Rural economy; Livelihood of 60% of our citizens; Required to ensure nation’s Food Security Production-focused support policy of 1960’s has broken down Growth models in other countries show: unless the model has focus on farm incomes, growth is not poverty-reducing.
ComponentTotal% of total Seed Production & Distribution % Hybrid Seed Distribution % Research (Paddy, Pulses, Groundnut) % Seed Infrastructure (Seed Testing Labs, Strengthening Seed Farms at Govt Level) % Drought Contingency % Pulse and Oil Seed Villages % Seed Distribution (Groundnut) % INSIMP % OPAE % Drought & Flood Tolerence % Contingency % Nutri Cereals % Seed Replacement % Crop Diversification % Seed Village % TOTAL % Budgets spent on seeds
Maharashtra 2010 to 2013 Total amount sanctioned (Cr) Amount released (march 2013) Amount spent Unspent balance Spill over for Agri depart Soil & water conservation Minor irrigation department Source: 16 th SLCC minutes, March 2013
Suggestions for improvement Focus on comprehensive, long term sustainable interventions Integrated approach rather than component based approach Converging with other departments Comprehensive planning from village consolidating at mandal and district level Sub-schemes should be well integrated into the larger plan rather being in isolation Flexibility for decentralised planning, implementing and monitoring Bring in more transparency and accountability-can introduce social auditing Strengthening Institutional Mechanism for Implementation and Regular Monitoring Grievance Redressal Mechanism (GRM) at the District Equity in selecting beneficiaries-social and regional Capacity building at various levels Livelihood centric than technology centric Focus on building institutions Innovations from grass root experiences can be scaled up rather than doing more of the same Improved coordination with implementing agencies Timely action in preparation of plan, fund release and implementation
Credit to Farmers Loan Eligibility Cards Cards issued New Total Farmers who accessed loan % of tenant farmers who accessed loans % area% loans % Interest free loans % Interest subvensionTenant Farmers % of loans to tenant farmers North Coast8.70%6.47%6.15%6.26%12%7% Krishna, E & W Godavari21.72%34.77%34.87%33.90%50%83% Prakasham-Nellore8.41%10.01%11.03%11.54%12%1% Rayalseema22.16%19.86%21.50%21.76%13%4% Telangana39.00%28.89%26.45%26.54%13%5%
Telangana: Loans to Tenant Farmers Rs Cr ( ) DistrictLoan eligibility cards issued Farmers who accessed loans Total loan received Nizamabad6, Medak Warangal12,1363, Karimnagar9,4132, Adilabad2, Rangareddy Mahaboobnagar Nalgonda3, Khammam21,8303, Total58,53411,
Telangana: Loans to Tenant Farmers Rs Cr ( ) DistrictLoan eligibility cards issuedFarmers who accessed loansTotal loan received Srikakulam27, Vijayanagaram22,9913, Vishakapatnam3, East Godavari62,14749, West Godavari1,22,42052, Krishna12,2559, Guntur22,91211, Prakasham3, Nellore47,8985, Chittore9, YSR Kadapa13,3622, Ananthpur1, Kurnool35,4473, Total3,84,6211,37,
CropCurrent support price (Rs/q) Cost of production (Rs/ha) Cost of production (Rs/q) Support price recommended by state (Rs/q) Support price announced by Centre (Rs/q) A grade paddy1,3451,05,2092, , Ordinary paddy1,3101,02,4801, , Jowar1,50028,2991, , Maize1,31025,4861, , Ragi1,50021,3541, , Groundnut4,00040,5094, , Soybean2,50052,7892, , Sunflower3,70033,6334, , Cotton (long staple)4,00098,8964, , Cotton (short staple)3,70092,3234, , Sugarcane2102,16, Support Prices
Way forward Increasing investments in agriculture Bottom up planning involving community institutions Governance-planning, implementation and monitoring involving stakeholders Built support systems for making informed choices Built accountability at various levels Ecological Security centric production systems Farmer income Security centric policies
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