2015 Requirements for CAES & CSET
Generic Admission Requirements (CAES) Higher Certificate: O National Senior Certificate with an equivalent of 40% in the language of teaching & learning and 40% in Mathematics. O A Senior Certificate with an equivalent of at least 40% in the language of teaching & learning in terms of the NSC with an equivalent of at least 40% in Mathematics in terms of the NSC. O A National Certificate (Vocational) Level 4 with an equivalent of at least 40% in the language of teaching & learning in terms of the NSC with an equivalent of at least 40% in Mathematics in terms of the NSC.
Diplomas: O A National Senior Certificate (Diploma endorsement) with at least 50% in the language of teaching & learning and Mathematics. O A Senior Certificate with an equivalent of at least 50% in the language of teaching & learning and Mathematics in terms of the NSC. O A National Certificate (Vocational) Level 4 with at least diploma endorsement with an equivalent of at least 60% in the language of teaching and learning in terms of the NSC and an equivalent of at least 50% in Mathematics in terms of the NSC.
Bachelors degrees: O A National Senior Certificate (Degree endorsement) with at least 50% in the language of teaching & learning and Mathematics. And at least 50% in Physical Science, in any of the BSC degrees. O A Senior Certificate with matriculation exemption with an equivalent of 50% in the language of teaching & learning and Mathematics in terms of the NSC. And 50% in Physical Science in terms of the NSC, in any of the BSC degrees. O A National Senior Certificate (Vocational) Level 4 (Degree endorsement) with an equivalent of 60% in the language of teaching & learning in terms of the NSC and 50% in Mathematics in terms of the NSC. And 50% in Physical Science in terms of the NSC, in any of the BSC degrees.
Higher Certificate in Life & Environmental Sciences O National Senior Certificate with equivalent of 40% in the language of teaching and learning and 40% in Mathematics.
ND: Agricultural Management O A National Senior Certificate (Diploma endorsement) with at least 50% in the language of teaching and learning and at least 50% in Mathematics and two of the following: Agricultural Science, Physical Science or Biology (Life Science) with at least 40% OR a Higher Certificate. O If the College requirements are not met, change qualification to provided the requirements for the HC are met.
ND: Animal Health A National Senior Certificate (Diploma endorsement) with at least 50% in the language of teaching and learning and at least 50% in Mathematics and either, Physical Science or Biology (Life Science) with at least 40% OR a Higher Certificate. If the College requirements are not met, change qualification to provided the requirements for the HC are met.
Science Foundation Provision (SFP) O CSET & CAES have created 4 year curriculums for students identified as SFP students. O Students identified as SFP, must be changed to the qualification code with a spec code that starts with “X..” eg XNC.
O A National Senior Certificate (Diploma endorsement) with at least 50% in the language of teaching and learning and at least 50% in Mathematics as well as Biology (Life Science) with at least 40% OR a Higher Certificate. O If the College requirements are not met, change qualification to provided the requirements for the HC are met. Diploma in Nature Conservation Diploma in Nature Conservation (Extended Programme) XNC Diploma in Ornamental Horticulture Diploma in Ornamental Horticulture XOH
O A National Senior Certificate (Degree endorsement) with at least 50% in the language of teaching and learning and 40% in Mathematics or 50% in Mathematics Literacy OR a Higher Certificate. O If the College requirements are not met, change qualification to provided the requirements for the HC are met. Bachelor of Consumer Science Main stream SFP CSJ XSJ FAR FCL XFC FNU XFN FOR XFR FSB HOM
O A National Senior Certificate (Degree endorsement) with at least 50% in the language of teaching and learning, Mathematics and Physical Science. O If the College requirements are not met, change qualification to the Alternative Pathway, AGR. Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences Main streamSFP BAB98053 XBB BAM98053 XBM BAP98053 XBP BAZ98053 XBZ BBM XBU BIT BMI BNM98053 XBN BZG98053 XZG GZB98053 XGZ MAP XMP MAZ XMZ PAZ98053 XPZ PPG98053 XPG EBO98052 XEB ECH98052 XEC EZO98052 XEZ
Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Management O A National Senior Certificate (Degree endorsement) with at least 50% in the language of teaching & learning OR a Higher Certificate. O If the College requirements are not met, change qualification to provided the requirements for the HC are met.
Generic Admission Requirements CSET O CSET does not have a Higher Certificate as yet! O The Alternative Pathway, (98000 SET, SET) is still applicable.
Diplomas A National Senior Certificate (Diploma endorsement) with at least 50% in the language of teaching & learning, Mathematics and Physical Science. A Senior Certificate (Diploma endorsement) with an equivalent of at least 50% in the language of teaching & learning, Mathematics and Physical Science in terms of the NSC. A National Certificate(Vocational) Level 4 (Diploma endorsement) with an equivalent of at least 60% in the language of teaching & learning, Mathematics and Physical Science in terms of the NSC.
Bachelors degrees: O A National Senior Certificate (Degree endorsement) with at least 50% in the language of teaching & learning and Mathematics. And at least 50% in Physical Science,if any Chemistry or Physics modules are part of the curriculum. O A Senior Certificate with matriculation exemption with an equivalent of 50% in the language of teaching & learning and Mathematics in terms of the NSC. And 50% in Physical Science in terms of the NSC, if any Chemistry or Physics modules are part of the curriculum. O A National Senior Certificate (Vocational) Level 4 (Degree endorsement) with an equivalent of 60% in the language of teaching & learning in terms of the NSC and 50% in Mathematics in terms of the NSC. And 50% in Physical Science in terms of the NSC, if any Chemistry or Physics modules are part of the curriculum.
O A National Senior Certificate (Diploma endorsement) with at least 50% in the language of teaching & learning. O If College requirements not met, change to Alternative Pathway SET. Diploma in Information Technology Diploma in Information Technology XIT
ND: Engineering O If A National Senior Certificate (Diploma endorsement) with at least 50% in the language of teaching & learning, Mathematics and Physical Science. O College requirements not met, change to Alternative Pathway SET.
O A National Senior Certificate (Degree endorsement) with at least 50% in the language of teaching & learning and Mathematics. O If College requirements not met, change to Alternative Pathway SET. Bachelor of Science Degree Main streamSFP AMC98801 XAC AMS98801 XAS MAM98801 XMM MAS98801 XMS MCS98801 XMC MIS98801 XMI
O A National Senior Certificate (Degree endorsement) with at least 50% in the language of teaching & learning, Mathematics and Physical Science. O If College requirements not met, change to Alternative Pathway SET. Bachelor of Science Degree Main streamSFP AMP98801 XAP CAM98801 XCM CAP98801 XCP CAS98801 XCS CCS98801 XCC CIS98801 XCI GEN98801 XGE MAC98801 XMH MAP98801 XMP STP98801 XSP
O A National Senior Certificate (Degree endorsement) with at least 50% in the language of teaching & learning and Mathematics. O If College requirements not met, change to Alternative Pathway SET. Bachelor of Science in Computing Main streamSFP XCO Bachelor of Science in Informatics Main streamSFP XIN
O Any questions or concerns?
“Every level of an organization depends on leadership from someone. Leadership is a choice you make, not a place you sit. Anyone can choose to become a leader wherever he or she is. You can make a difference no matter where you are…” Sherina Balmakund 11 August 2014