Verdict | Systems Cold Chain, Wireless & Environmental monitoring Cold Supply Chain Verdict Systems BV Aalten (NL)
Verdict | Systems Cold Chain, Wireless & Environmental monitoring Monitoring Cold Supply Chain Monitoring: 1.Field Conditions -> optimal production 2.Storage Conditions-> optimise shelflife 3.Transport Conditions-> avoid loss in shelflife Focus on perishables during all stages from supplier till final customer. Monitor Supply Chain to avoid products from contamination & degradation or other damage by too high or low temperature conditions. Supply Chain -> focus on partners and processes Cold Chain -> focus on product and conditions
Verdict | Systems Cold Chain, Wireless & Environmental monitoring Cold Supply Chain Products / industries: Food: Fish, meat, Agri / horticultural products: flowers, vegetables, fruit Pharmaceutical products Chemicals Industry: anti - shock Core of problem: Safety -> direct damage Liability-> medicines; food
Verdict | Systems Cold Chain, Wireless & Environmental monitoring Cold Supply Chain
Verdict | Systems Cold Chain, Wireless & Environmental monitoring Verdict ChainView™ Offering transparency in the Cold Chain / Supply Chain: 1. Enable users worldwide to monitor conditions at production- and storage sites or goods in transit; 2. Users can optimize conditions from distance; 3. Data may be used as input in models for: diseases, shelflife, weather forecast etc.
Verdict | Systems Cold Chain, Wireless & Environmental monitoring 1 - Data collection on site 2 - Transfer data by GPRS / ADSL 3 - Databases on internet 4 - Webservices 5 – Models for shelflife, growth & diseases 6 – Weather forecast Management Information System 7 – Filters & tools Weather stations Data loggers Cold Chain Management Wireless sensors
Verdict | Systems Cold Chain, Wireless & Environmental monitoring Verdict ChainView Verdict – ChainView software: Collect temperature data during transit Direct communication of these data via Internet Direct feed-back on every shipment Management tool to optimize Cold Chain
Verdict | Systems Cold Chain, Wireless & Environmental monitoring About the Flower Business Case
Verdict | Systems Cold Chain, Wireless & Environmental monitoring How to organise?
Verdict | Systems Cold Chain, Wireless & Environmental monitoring Flower Supply Chain
Verdict | Systems Cold Chain, Wireless & Environmental monitoring Importance of Cold Chain Main objective: –Control temperature (1-4°C) –Control humidity (85 – 93% RH) Physical, physiological and micro-organisms factors Roses: –Temperature: limit respiration –Humidity: avoid germination of Botrytis Vaselife: promise of 7 days after days transport Flowers: respiration increases temperature –0°C: hours before temp increases with 1° –20°C: minutes before temp increases with 1°
Verdict | Systems Cold Chain, Wireless & Environmental monitoring Vaselife determined by temperature Respiration vs temp.Vaselife vs T-storagevaselife vs respiration
Verdict | Systems Cold Chain, Wireless & Environmental monitoring Vaselife vs temperature during transport Other factors: Ethylene, Harvesting stage Microorganisms Temperature in all factors
Verdict | Systems Cold Chain, Wireless & Environmental monitoring Shipment on Sept. 2nd: cold, but slow
Verdict | Systems Cold Chain, Wireless & Environmental monitoring Shipment Sept. 8th: cold & quick
Verdict | Systems Cold Chain, Wireless & Environmental monitoring Variation in shipments
Verdict | Systems Cold Chain, Wireless & Environmental monitoring Quality Controlled Logistics
Verdict | Systems Cold Chain, Wireless & Environmental monitoring Verdict ChainView
Verdict | Systems Cold Chain, Wireless & Environmental monitoring Product lines:
Verdict | Systems Cold Chain, Wireless & Environmental monitoring Structure topic software hardware models
Verdict | Systems Cold Chain, Wireless & Environmental monitoring Wireless sensors for 3D scan of an area Wireless sensors (1 – 1000 m !) uploaded in database and local computer
Verdict | Systems Cold Chain, Wireless & Environmental monitoring Temperature differences in a modern Gerbera nursery using 100 wireless sensors, monitoring Temperature and Relative Humidity. Views at: 4, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20 and 24 o’clock. Movie is available on request. (Source: Wageningen UR, 2008). Conclusions: -Up to 4°C differences -Cold spots are persistent -Diseases start on cold spots
Verdict | Systems Cold Chain, Wireless & Environmental monitoring Weather stations to monitor climate and predict diseases: On golf course and in Finland (-23°C) On website: (soil) temperature, PAR light
Verdict | Systems Cold Chain, Wireless & Environmental monitoring Dutch Fruit Board, Crop protection companies and growers: On website: data are translated in disease predictions, to advice growers and other stakeholders
Verdict | Systems Cold Chain, Wireless & Environmental monitoring Thank you for your attention ! Verdict Systems BV –