Submit Grades Electronically from Blackboard or Canvas
What’s required to use this method to submit final grades? Web browser (like Microsoft Internet Explorer) BearID (John_Doe) and password Knowledge of Blackboard/Canvas navigation That’s it! Needed:
In Canvas after (final grades have been computed): Click on the “Courses & Groups” heading Using the navigation menu on left, select “Instructor Tools” Select “Final Grade Submission” NOTE: “Final Grade Submission” will only be available when the grading period is open per the Office of Academic Records.
Example of Canvas Grade Submission screen
In Blackboard (after final grades have been computed)… On the “Courses” tab, select the class you want to grade Click the Control Panel icon In the Course Tools box, click “Final Grade Submission” NOTE: “Final Grade Submission” will only be available when the grading period is open per the Office of Academic Records.
Example of a class roll to be graded: Graduation candidates indicated here. Select grade for each student here using drop down menu.
Enter the grades using the drop down boxes… Only correct grade options for each student will be shown. NOTE: If there are students for whom you have grades who do not show up on the grade roster, contact the Office of Academic Records, ext
Submit the grades After indicating all the grades, click the “Submit Grades” button. NOTE: You may only submit grades for a class one time using this process. Be sure all students are graded before clicking the submit button.
After a successful submission: Note that you are given a confirmation of the grades submitted
Message if grades had been previously submitted and already rolled to Banner:
Message if grades had been previously submitted and not yet rolled to Banner: NOTE
Message if no grades entered:
More info about grade submission: Grades for a class may only be entered once using this process. Additional grading must be done via BearWeb. After “Submit Grades” is clicked, within the next hour to several hours (controlled by the Office of Academic Records), the grades are rolled into the Banner student system. To change or add grades after using this process for a class, contact the Office of Academic Records (ext. 1181).
Do you need a printed copy of the grades you submitted? Go to ClassRoll on the Baylor Website for the class section just graded and select Output Format “Printable Roster.” If you are a faculty member of record for the class, the submitted grades will be displayed and you can print the roster with the grades.
The End (Success!)