Quarter 1. Which vowel in Spanish says… AHH…. Like in the word “awe” A.


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Presentation transcript:

Quarter 1

Which vowel in Spanish says… AHH…. Like in the word “awe” A

Which vowel in Spanish says… OHH... Like in the word “open” O

Which vowel in Spanish says… EEE... Like in the word “eel” I

Which vowel in Spanish says… OOO... Like in the word “cool” U

Which vowel in Spanish says… EH... Like in the word “egg” E












How do you say this number in Spanish? 5 Cinco [sink-oh]

How do you say this number in Spanish? 3 Tres [trace]

How do you say this number in Spanish? 0 Cero [say-row]

How do you say this number in Spanish? 4 Cuatro [qua-trow]

How do you say this number in Spanish? 6 Seis [say-ees]

How do you say this number in Spanish? 9 Nueve [new-ay-bay]

How do you say this number in Spanish? 1 Uno [oo-no]

How do you say this number in Spanish? 8 Ocho [oh-cho]

How do you say this number in Spanish? 2 dos [dose]

How do you say this number in Spanish? 7 siete [see-eh-tay]

How do you say this number in Spanish? 10 diez [dee-ace]

Which one is… GOOD MORNING? Buenas Noches Buenas Tardes Buenos Días

Which one is… GOOD NIGHT? Buenas Noches Buenas Tardes Buenos Días

Which one is… GOOD AFTERNOON? Buenas Noches Buenas Tardes Buenos Días

AZUL [ah-sool]

AMARILLO [ah-ma-ree-yo]

VERDE [bear-day]

ANARANJADO [ah-na-rawn-ha-doe]

MORADO [more-ah-doe]

NEGRO [neg-row]


ROSADO [row-saw-doe]

CAFÉ [caw-fay]








What is a… CUADRO NEGRO?

What is a LIBRO? A book

What are creyones? Crayons

What is a lápiz? Pencil

What is papel? Paper

What are tijeras? [tee-hair-as] Scissors