Guide to extract/download multiple databases from Mainframe Tapes to PC using SAS PC Fereydoun J. Foroudian Blue Cross of California SAS is a registered trademark or trademark of SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries. ® indicates USA registration. Other brand and product names are registered trademarks or Trademarks of their respective companies.
Introduction Create and Submit Mainframe Jobs more efficiently using SAS PC User enters program specification (SAS PC PROC FSEDIT) Specification transmitted (SAS PC PROC Upload) Code is generated and submitted (SAS TSO session)
Flow Chart FSEDI T Upload FSEDI T Data MF JCL code created/submit ted based on entered criteria in FSEDIT Download Extracted Data PC
Topics to be Covered Modifying TCPTSO.SCR Creating AUTOEXEC.SAS User defines program specification Login to Mainframe Generating and Submitting JCL code
TCPTSO.SCR This file contains instructions to login to Mainframe TCPTSO.SCR is Located in connect\Saslink directory on your PC & needs to be modified to work with your version of OS390
AUTOEXEC.SAS Create a file in SAS\V8 Directory on your PC which contains following Codes: filename rlink 'tcptso.scr'; %let rmthost= ”MF IP address”; Options nocenter comamid=tcp remot=rmthost tbufsize=32768;
FSEDIT Screen User enters program specification in an FSEDIT screen for SAS to create JCL Code containing those specification FSEDIT screen can be setup with the following fields: –Input and Output Directory –Starting and ending tape numbers –Service from and through Date –Diagnosis or Procedure codes
Login and Upload Database In PC SAS Session use the following code to get connected to Mainframe Signon; rsubmit; Use Proc Upload to Upload FSEDIT database needed to create JCL code on Mainframe.
Generating JCL Code Define a null datastep which contains the following: –File statement referring to the program path and name for the JCL code to be stored. –Put statement with JobName Job Number, User Initial, Class and who to notify –Put "//STEP1 EXEC SAS"; To start TSO SAS –Put statement containing Input Code for tapes –put statement defining query Output Dataset –Actual SAS Code containing program specification Now program is complete and ready to be submitted
Sample JCL Code Generated
Submitting JCL Jobs Submit JCL Job through PC SAS using the following Code: Tso submit (filepath.Name); Log off after the job is submitted using the following code: Endrsubmit; Signoff;
Conclusion PC SAS programmers can download data from Mainframe tape without waiting for their mainframe colleague. Once it is setup, anyone can use it to query and download data from Mainframe.
Acknowledgements Darius Jatulis in helping write some segment of this paper.
About the Speaker Speaker Location of company Telephone Fax Fereydoun Foroudian SR. Programmer Analyst Wellpoint 5151-A Camino Ruiz Camarillo, CA (805) (805)