GISIN Web Site Enabling Invasive Species Data Interchange GISIN technical team GISIN Training
Data Flow GISIN Cache Occurrences, Species Status, Species Resource URLs File Upload Web Services Providers with: IT Support for Web Services Frequent Updates Most Providers Browse Web Services Download End-Users
File Upload File types: Text-based: Comma or tab Flexible interface: Map columns in file to concepts and values Map your values to GISIN values Provide other values as “Single Value” Immediate feedback Errors for rows that were not added Errors for each cell with problems
Exercise: Upload Upload sample SpeciesStatus file If not still logged in, login Click on “Provide Data” Click on “Uploaded Files” Click on “Upload File” Click on “Browse” and find the sample file Click on “Open” and then “Upload” You should see a message that the file has been uploaded Click on “To Uploaded GISIN Files”
Exercise: Add To Cache Click on the uploaded file and click “View” Click on “Add To Database” Click on “Occurrences” and click “Submit” Next to “kingdom” select “Single Value” and select “Plantae” in the popup menu that appears Next to “scientificName” select “In Column” and then select the “SciName” column in the popup menu that appears
Exercise: Add To Database Next to “decimalLatitude” select “In Column” and then select “North” in the popup that appears For “decimalLongitude” select “West” Next to “startCollectionDate” select “In Column” and then “SurveyDate” Next to “endCollectionDate” select “In Column” and then “SurveyDate"
Exercise: Add To Database Click “Submit” This page shows up to 10 rows from the file mapped to the GISIN protocol If any errors are found they will appear in red and you can place your mouse cursor over them to see the error message Click “Submit” and then “Submit” again The results page includes the number of rows added and the number of errors Click “Search for Added Data” to see the data you’ve added to GISIN
Exercise: Add To Database Click “Submit” This page shows up to 10 rows from the file mapped to the GISIN protocol If any errors are found they will appear in red and you can place your mouse cursor over them to see the error message Click “Submit” and then “Submit” again The results page includes the number of rows added and the number of errors Click “Search for Added Data” to see the data you’ve added to GISIN
Data Quality Automatic checks: Required fields Please upload data that: Has been checked for accuracy and precision You have permission to share Is not already in GISIN Encourage original providers to upload
SpeciesStatus Required: scientificName kingdom Locality or location Model specific harmful origin presence Optional: startValidDate, endValidDate validDatePrecision abundance distribution persistence rateOfSpread regulartoryListing trend publicationDate publicationDatePrecision
Presence Presence: Unknown Absent SometimesPresent Present Reported
Harmful and Origin Harmful: Unknown Yes Potentially No Together: Harmful = Yes, Origin = Exotic -> Invasive Origin: Unknown Indigenous Exotic
Exercise: Add To Cache Click on the uploaded file and click “View” Click on “Add To Database” Click on “SpeciesStatuses” and click “Submit” Next to “scientificName” select “In Column” and then select the “SciName” column in the popup menu that appears Next to “origin” select “In Column” and then select “Origin” in the popup menu
Exercise: Add To Database Next to the popup click the “Map It” button Use the popups to map each of the values from the file on the left to the GISIN protocol value on the right. Click “Submit” Repeat this for countryCode, harmful, kingdom, and presence. Note: You can also add a single value for all the rows in a file
Exercise: Add To Database Click “Submit” This page shows up to 10 rows from the file mapped to the GISIN protocol If any errors are found they will appear in red and you can place your mouse cursor over them to see the error message Click “Submit” and then “Submit” again The results page includes the number of rows added and the number of errors Click “Search for Added Data” to see the data you’ve added to GISIN
Exercise: Add ResourceURLs Go through the same steps as for SpeciesStatus for the file: ResourceURLSamples.txt Select Species Resource URL for the data model
SpeciesResourceURL Required: scientificName, kingdom resourceType: Profile, Expert list, Image, Video, Reference list, Identification key, Risk assessment, Unknown URL: Full Uniform Resource Locator – 38&fr=1&sts=&lang=EN
Next Steps Upload real data to the LIVE server Let us know if you have problems
Screen Shots The screen shots that follow can be used if an Internet connection is not available.