Crew Maintenance on Vendor Web
My Resources
Crew maintenance is an integral part of many vendors’ business operations Safeguard Properties’ Vendor Web now has a feature that will allow main contractors to do the following: Create crew accounts Terminate crew accounts Assign work to crews Follow up on open crew work orders Approve completed work orders to send to Safeguard Reassign crew work orders if needed Crew Maintenance on Vendor Web
My Resources The My Resources link in Vendor Web will allow access to crew management Crew Maintenance on Vendor Web
My Resources When the My Resources page appears, it will default to a Choose a Resource field Click on the drop down arrow to select Add New Resource Crew Maintenance on Vendor Web
My Resources All fields with an asterisk (*) are required fields When completed, click Submit Crew Maintenance on Vendor Web
My Resources After the crew is created in Vendor Web, three s will be automatically generated An will be sent to the main contractor advising him that a new login code as been created Two s will be sent to the new crew One will advise of his login information One will contain his password This password will need to be changed upon the crew’s initial login Crew Maintenance on Vendor Web
My Resources The new crew code will now be found in the Choose a Resource drop down Crew Maintenance on Vendor Web
My Resources – Crew Maintenance If changes need to be made to a crew’s record, the main contractor can go to the My Resources link The main contractor can: Edit or add any crew information (1) Reset a crew’s password if needed (2) Terminate a crew if needed (3) Clicking Submit saves all of the changes that have been made (4) Clicking Cancel removes the main contractor from Edit Resources without saving any changes (5) Crew Maintenance on Vendor Web
My Resources – Crew Maintenance Crew Maintenance on Vendor Web
My Resources – Reactivating a Terminated Sub Once a crew is terminated, his code will appear on the Choose a Resource list as terminated Crew Maintenance on Vendor Web
My Resources – Reactivating a Terminated Sub When the main contractor selects that code: The vendor’s basic information will appear The Reactivate button will become available Crew Maintenance on Vendor Web
My Resources – Reactivating a Terminated Sub When reactivated, the main contractor and crew will receive s advising that the code is again active Crew Maintenance on Vendor Web
Assigning Orders
Once the crew is created, orders can be assigned to that code Orders can be assigned individually by clicking on the Orders Tab Click on the Order Detail icon on the Order List page Please note that there is also an Assignment column on the Order List page This column will list if an order has been assigned to a crew and provide that crew code Clicking on the column heading will sort the column alphabetically by crew code Crew Maintenance on Vendor Web
Assigning Orders On the Order Details page, click the Assign Order button Crew Maintenance on Vendor Web
Assigning Orders On the Order Assignment page, click the Choose a Resource drop down and select the sub code (1) If the work order text contains pricing information, it can be edited before it is sent to the crew (2) When all changes are made, click Submit (3) Crew Maintenance on Vendor Web 1 2 3
Assigning Orders Once the order has been assigned, a Reassign Order button appears on the Order Details page The main contractor can assign the order to another crew or back to himself If the order is being assigned back to the main contractor, the (Remove assignment(s)/Take order(s) back) option is selected Crew Maintenance on Vendor Web
Batch Assignment of Orders The Order Assignment tab allows for the batch assignment of orders The main contractor must: Select type of orders that are being batch assigned (1) The default prompt is (All Unassigned Orders) The main contractor can also select orders already assigned to crews If this is done, orders from one crew can be batch reassigned to another crew or back to the main contractor code Select the orders to be assigned or reassigned (2) Select the crew to assign the orders to (3) Submit the orders (4) Please note: the main contractor CANNOT sort on the batch assignment screen, search for orders or edit the order text Crew Maintenance on Vendor Web
Batch Assignment of Orders Crew Maintenance on Vendor Web
Batch Assignment of Orders The main contractor can also batch assign orders back to his main code The main contractor must select the orders to be reassigned Under Select a Resource he must choose (Remove assignment(s)/Take order(s) back) and then click Submit Crew Maintenance on Vendor Web
Approval of Orders
When a crew completes an update that order is not sent to Safeguard Properties The order is sent back to the main contractor for approval Crew Maintenance on Vendor Web
Approval of Orders The crew will be able to see the orders that have been submitted for review Note: If an order has been submitted for review, the crew can see the details of the update, but cannot make any changes to them Crew Maintenance on Vendor Web
Approval of Orders The main contractor will also have a link to orders that need to be approved Crew Maintenance on Vendor Web
Approval of Orders The main contractor will need to review all information provided in the update by the crew To start this process, he will need to click Resume Update on the Orders Detail page If all of the information is correct, the order can be submitted to Safeguard The main contractor will need to attest that the information is correct on the Comments/Review page If this step is not completed, the contractor cannot proceed with the update Crew Maintenance on Vendor Web
Rejection of Orders If any part of the update is incorrect or additional information is needed, the main contractor can reject the update from the Errors and Warnings page Reasons must be given if the order is rejected The main contractor would select Reject Update (1) If correct, the main contractor selects Submit Update (2) Crew Maintenance on Vendor Web 12
General Information
The crew cannot submit an update if it is incomplete or contains errors When approving orders, the main contractor must review each page/screen of the update If the order is rejected by the main contractor, it will appear in the crew’s open orders If an order is re-opened by Safeguard, it is sent back to the main contractor The main contractor will then need to assign the order back to the crew This order will appear in the crew’s open orders Crews will not have access to any Safeguard Properties memos posted on Vendor Web Crew Maintenance on Vendor Web
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