Background and Forms
Background - body To embed background into a whole page If the picture is smaller than the screen size, it will "tile"
Background - body To embed background into a whole page If the picture is a "verticular" image. Because it is "tiling", it gives an illusion of a fading background.
Background - table Similarly to putting an image on the background, you can put one inside a cell.
Exercise 5 Create ex5 directory inside public_html directory Inside ex5 Create home.html – do this first as template Create projects.html Goodies: If you want to scale down a large image, just define the width size and the browser will automatically resize the picture eg.
Forms HTML Forms Receive information from the web surfer A form will take input from the viewer Text Fields Input fields are going to be the meat of your form's sandwich. The has a few attributes that you should be aware of. type - Determines what kind of input field it will be. Possible choices are text, submit, and password. name - Assigns a name to the given field so that you may reference it later. size - Sets the horizontal width of the field. The unit of measurement is in blank spaces. maxlength - Dictates the maximum number of characters that can be entered.
Forms – Introduction Name: Favorite Drink: method - We will only be using the post functionality of method, which sends the data without displaying any of the information to the visitor. action - Specifies the URL to send the data to.
Forms – Radio Buttons What kind of shirt are you wearing? Shade: Dark Light Size: Small Medium Large value - specifies what will be sent if the user chooses this radio button. Only one value will be sent for a given group of radio buttons (see name for more information, if the name is the same, you allow only one option. If name is different, you allow multiple option). name - defines which set of radio buttons that it is a part of. Here, we have 2 groups: shade and size.
Forms – Check Boxes (check all applicable) Select your favorite cartoon characters. <input type="checkbox" name="toon1" value="Goofy">Goofy <input type="checkbox" name="toon2" value="Donald">Donald <input type="checkbox" name="toon3" value="Bugs">Bugs Bunny <input type="checkbox" name="toon4" value="Scoob">Scooby Doo
Forms – Drop down lists College Degree? Choose One Some High School High School Degree Some College Bachelor's Degree Doctorate
Forms – Selection Forms <form method="post" Musical Taste Metal/Rock Hip Hop Classical Alternative
Forms – Text Area <form method="post" Enter Comments Here Rows and columns need to be specified as attributes to the tag. Rows are roughly 12pixels high, the same as in word programs and the value of the columns reflects how many characters wide the text area will be. i.e. The example shows a text area 5 rows tall and 20 characters wide.