Submitting Your Signature Piece Electronic Portfolio On Taskstream [Version 5/1/08 /mb] Submitting Your Signature Piece… 1. What Is A “Signature Piece”? 2. Where Is Our Class Website? 3. Which Files Do I Use? 4. What Do I Do Now? 5. How Do I Link My Files? 6. Should I Test My Links? 7. How Do I “ZIP” My Folder? 8. How Do I Submit On Taskstream? 9. How Do I Know It’s Right? 10. How Do I Get More Help? Directions View this slide in “Slide Show” view. (Press the “F5 key” on your keyboard.) Click on the dark blue buttons. This Powerpoint file describes how to submit your “signature piece” electronic portfolio on Taskstream, a course requirement. You need to organize your files in a folder and then link them with an edited Powerpoint file template. Then, “ZIP” your folder into a single “ZIP” file. Finally, successfully submit on Taskstream for evaluation. All of these steps are explained here.
Submitting Your Signature Piece Electronic Portfolio On Taskstream [Version 5/1/08 /mb] Your “signature piece” is a folder that contains approximately 10 files of your original work that you created during the course. These specified files represent your best work. All of your “signature piece” files should be spell checked. Each file should include an appropriate title and a footer. The footer should include the course name and number, your name, and the semester and year. What Is A “Signature Piece”? Menu 1.0
Submitting Your Signature Piece Electronic Portfolio On Taskstream [Version 5/1/08 /mb] You will find our class website at this location: The website includes: a calendar with deadlines links to course documents links to resources links to file templates that you may freely modify Where Is Our Class Website? Menu 2.0
Submitting Your Signature Piece Electronic Portfolio On Taskstream [Version 5/1/08 /mb] You received a checklist of files for your signature piece. This checklist was sent by some time ago. Which Files Do I Use? Menu 3.0
Submitting Your Signature Piece Electronic Portfolio On Taskstream [Version 5/1/08 /mb] Once you know which files you need, the rest is easy. 1. Copy the specified files to a new folder. When you do this, you should have about 10 of your own files in that new folder. (The number of files will vary.) Rename the folder: CORS567-YourLastName-YourFirstName—Signature-Piece—Semester-ThisYear [Replace CORS567 with the name and number of the course. Include your own name. Include the semester and year.] 2. Now, download and save this single file to that folder:single file After you save this Powerpoint file in your new folder, rename the file with the same name as the new folder. 4. Now, you are ready to link your files into an electronic portfolio. What Do I Do Now? Menu 4.0
Submitting Your Signature Piece Electronic Portfolio On Taskstream [Version 5/1/08 /mb] Linking your files involves editing “hyperlinks”. You can use hyperlinks in Powerpoint to link to another slide, to a file, or to a website address. You can hyperlink an “object” (clipart image, a drawn arrow, a drawn circle, a drawn rectangle, any text, any image). On this page, you can see 3 objects that are hyperlinked. Right-click on any of these objects and select “Edit Hyperlink”; examine how the link works. The Powerpoint file that you downloaded to your signature piece folder is a “template” that you can modify to link to your own files in that folder. That file includes directions. Let’s look at some steps in linking, in the following slides… How Do I Link My Files? Menu 5.0
Submitting Your Signature Piece Electronic Portfolio On Taskstream [Version 5/1/08 /mb] How Do I Link My Files? Menu 5.1 After you have copied the Powerpoint template file to your folder of specified files, do some editing.the Powerpoint template file
Submitting Your Signature Piece Electronic Portfolio On Taskstream [Version 5/1/08 /mb] Here is the first step to link to your file from a slide. This involves some related editing. How Do I Link My Files? Menu 5.2
Submitting Your Signature Piece Electronic Portfolio On Taskstream [Version 5/1/08 /mb] How Do I Link My Files? Menu 5.3 Here is how to link to a file.
Submitting Your Signature Piece Electronic Portfolio On Taskstream [Version 5/1/08 /mb] Yes, you really should test your folder by doing this: Method #1. Copy your folder from your USB flash drive to a folder on your computer. Then, disconnect your USB flash drive. Now, try the links to see if they work. If the links to not work, it means that you linked to files that were not in the same folder. Method #2. If your files are on your computer, copy the folder to your USB flash drive. Then, go to another computer. Copy the folder there. Then, disconnect the USB flash drive. Check to see if the links work. If they don’t, it means you linked to files that are not in the same folder. Should I Test My Links? Menu 6.0
Submitting Your Signature Piece Electronic Portfolio On Taskstream [Version 5/1/08 /mb] It takes just a few seconds to “ZIP” your folder using a “ZIP” file utility or application. When you “ZIP” your folder of files, you will have a single ZIP file that is highly compressed. It is an excellent way to store folders and files as a single file. If you do not have a “ZIP” file utility, you can download this free application called “7-ZIP”: The following slides show you how to use 7-ZIP to “ZIP” your signature piece folder… How Do I “ZIP” My Folder? Menu 7.0
Submitting Your Signature Piece Electronic Portfolio On Taskstream [Version 5/1/08 /mb] Open the signature piece folder that contains your files. How Do I “ZIP” My Folder? Menu 7.1
Submitting Your Signature Piece Electronic Portfolio On Taskstream [Version 5/1/08 /mb] If you have “7-Zip” installed, click on Start => Programs => 7-Zip. Click on the application, as shown. A window will then appear. How Do I “ZIP” My Folder? Menu 7.2
Submitting Your Signature Piece Electronic Portfolio On Taskstream [Version 5/1/08 /mb] Move the 7-Zip application window next to your folder of selected signature piece files, as shown. Then, drag your files, as explained. How Do I “ZIP” My Folder? Menu 7.3.
Submitting Your Signature Piece Electronic Portfolio On Taskstream [Version 5/1/08 /mb] When this window appears, use these settings. How Do I “ZIP” My Folder? Menu 7.4 1
Submitting Your Signature Piece Electronic Portfolio On Taskstream [Version 5/1/08 /mb] Your “Zip” file is created in the same folder. It contains all of your signature piece files in a single compressed file. How Do I “ZIP” My Folder? Menu 7.5
Submitting Your Signature Piece Electronic Portfolio On Taskstream [Version 5/1/08 /mb] You will “upload” or send your single “ZIPPED” signature piece electronic portfolio to your Taskstream account. The successful submission for evaluation of your signature piece on Taskstream is a requirement for this course. If you do not successfully submit your signature piece on Taskstream, you cannot get a grade. The following slides show you how to submit your signature piece to your Taskstream account. How Do I Submit On Taskstream? Menu 8.0
Submitting Your Signature Piece Electronic Portfolio On Taskstream [Version 5/1/08 /mb] Open your Taskstream account. How Do I Submit On Taskstream? Menu 8.1
Submitting Your Signature Piece Electronic Portfolio On Taskstream [Version 5/1/08 /mb] Follow directions, as shown. How Do I Submit On Taskstream? Menu 8.2
Submitting Your Signature Piece Electronic Portfolio On Taskstream [Version 5/1/08 /mb] Select the appropriate course. How Do I Submit On Taskstream? Menu 8.3
Submitting Your Signature Piece Electronic Portfolio On Taskstream [Version 5/1/08 /mb] You will soon be ready to “upload” your “Zipped” signature piece file. How Do I Submit On Taskstream? Menu 8.4
Submitting Your Signature Piece Electronic Portfolio On Taskstream [Version 5/1/08 /mb] You are almost there… How Do I Submit On Taskstream? Menu 8.5
Submitting Your Signature Piece Electronic Portfolio On Taskstream [Version 5/1/08 /mb] Upload your “Zipped” signature piece file. How Do I Submit On Taskstream? Menu 8.6
Submitting Your Signature Piece Electronic Portfolio On Taskstream [Version 5/1/08 /mb] Get ready to submit for evaluation. How Do I Submit On Taskstream? Menu 8.7
Submitting Your Signature Piece Electronic Portfolio On Taskstream [Version 5/1/08 /mb] You are ready to submit. (Only do this ONCE. After you submit, you cannot add files.) How Do I Submit On Taskstream? Menu 8.8
Submitting Your Signature Piece Electronic Portfolio On Taskstream [Version 5/1/08 /mb] Select an evaluator (in this case, Mike Beutner) and click on the “Submit” button. How Do I Submit On Taskstream? Menu 8.9
Submitting Your Signature Piece Electronic Portfolio On Taskstream [Version 5/1/08 /mb] You are done! How Do I Submit On Taskstream? Menu 8.10
Submitting Your Signature Piece Electronic Portfolio On Taskstream [Version 5/1/08 /mb] The day after the deadline for submission, you will receive confirmation by of successful submission on Taskstream. If you don’t, contact us The deadline is stated on the class website course calendar. The calendar is located at this location: How Do I Know If It’s Right? Menu 9.0
Submitting Your Signature Piece Electronic Portfolio On Taskstream [Version 5/1/08 /mb] After viewing this tutorial, feel free to contact me directly: Michael Beutner, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Instructional Technology Instructional Technology Graduate Program Department of Educational Leadership and Counseling Strauss Hall 223 University of Louisiana at Monroe 700 University Avenue Monroe, Louisiana USA Office: (318) Website: Courses and Office Hours: You may also contact my Graduate Assistant, John Buckner: How Do I Get More Help? Menu 10.0