Division Leaders Meeting Reno, 2011 May, 22 nd 12:30 – 1:45 PM
2 Agenda Agenda Review (5 Min) Introductions (10 Min) IIE Organization Vision/Mission Review (10 Min) Roles Review (15 Min) –SVP –TVP –Division Leaders Role Division Leaders Annual Goals/Deliverables (10) Best Demonstrated Practices/Open Discussion/Strategic Plan Development (30 Min) Source: IRI…
Introductions: Name Division you Lead Your “Day Job”
IIE Organization Purpose, Vision, Near Term Focus
5 IIE Organization – Purpose To advance the general welfare of mankind through the resources and creative abilities of the Industrial Engineering Profession To advance the art and science of Industrial Engineering for the general welfare of mankind To encourage and assist education and research in the art and science of Industrial Engineering To promote the unrestricted dissemination of knowledge and information by means of meetings and publications relating to the art and science of Industrial Engineering To receive, own and maintain real or personal property, or both, and to use and apply the whole or any part of the income or principal thereof exclusively for the scientific or educational purposes in the art and science of Industrial Engineering To assist Colleges and Universities in the development of educational programs in the art and science of Industrial Engineering
6 IIE - Vision
8 IIE Near Term Focus
9 IIE Near Term Progress
10 IIE Near Term Focus
11 IIE – On Line!
12 IIE Organization – Strategic Plan “Framework for Success” Image of IE Profession Academic Involvement Industry Participation Education, Training and Knowledge International Presence Network of Effective Volunteers
13 IIE Organization – The Need for Change Business as Usual will not work No choice but change Defining the New Normal Resetting the Economy
14 IIE Divisions - Purpose The purposes of the XXXXXX Division of the Institute of Industrial Engineers will be to: Develop, maintain, and disseminate a body of technical knowledge Provide a forum for technical networking Be perceived as the voice of the technical specialty Support IIE’s mission, provide member value, and promote the discipline
Roles Review
16 Roles Review SVP, Technical Operations – Be the liason between the IIE BOT and the TVP’s and Society Leaders TVP, Technical Networking – Serve as the liason between the IIE BOT and the Division Leaders –Share information from the board –Support the needs of the divisions Division Leaders – –Ensure that the Division’s Purpose if fulfilled – Member Benefit! –Coordinate Monthly Calls and oversee activities of the committees to deliver the Division’s Strategic Plan and Annual Goals What do you believe is the top member benefit that your division provides? Do you have a way of measuring member benefit?
Division Leaders Annual Goals/Deliverables
Division Leader Tasks Focus AreaTaskExisting Divisions New Divisions By Laws Existing Divisions: Ensure approval by TVP New Divisions: Submit to TVP for approval 6/30/119/30/11 Policies & Procedures Existing Divisions: Ensure approval by TVP New Divisions: Submit to TVP for approval 6/30/1111/30/11 Strategic Plan Existing Divisions: Submit of 3 Year Strategic Plan Draft to TVP for approval Finalize Strategic Plan New Divisions: Submit first draft of By laws to TVP 7/31/11 9/1/11 2/28/12 Annual Goals Existing and New Divisions: Update and submit to TVP 9/30/11 Division Health Report Existing Divisions: Update and submit to TVP New Divisions: Develop Baseline Report 5/1/12 Or 6/1/12* 10/31/11 * Depending on your election cycle
19 Division Leaders Annual Goals/Deliverables Update and submit to TVP Division Health Report by 5/1/xx or 6/1/xx ( Depending on your election cycle) Review By Laws and Policies and Procedures and if changes required, submit to your TVP by 1/31 for review. –For By Laws, changes can be sent out to the membership for a vote with your annual elections process Review Strategic Plan Annually Develop Annual Goals by 9/30 What do you believe is the top member benefit that your division provides? Do you have a way of measuring member benefit?
Best Demonstrated Practices Open Discussion Strategic Plan Development
21 Best Demonstrated Practices/Open Discussion/Strategic Plan Development The Need for Change – What does this mean to your division? What is the greatest member benefit that your division is providing? What are you doing with Social Networking? Strategic Plan – Open Discussion on development