School Leaders Meeting Federal Programs Update April 15, 2015
Audits State Title I Audit Audit Date: May 05-06, 2015 Deadline to submit documentation: 04/20/2015 SCPCSD Fiscal Audit Due: July 20, 2015
State Title I Audit
Submission Method
Fiscal Audit Submission Fiscal Monitoring (Due July 20, 2015): Federal law requires the monitoring to ensure compliance with procedures and regulations each year. By July 20, 2015 Submit the district in a neatly organized folder with receipts, purchase orders and bills including credit card payments by each activity listed in your Title I plan. Highlight the amount on the credit card bill for the payment you submitted for reimbursement. To ensure accurate record keeping and appropriate expenditure of funds, we encourage you to reconcile your records with those of your finance person on a monthly basis. Doing so throughout the year positions you to make more accurate and efficient adjustments to the budget in spring.
Fiscal Audit Submission You will submit the documentation directly by hand or my US mail. Please see the documentation instructions: Please use the Binders to document your Bills/purchase orders etc. that you have submitted for reimbursements for Title I funds. Have dividers between each activity and the bill and receipts for that activity. Highlight credit card payments that you submitted for reimbursements Also include your Time and Effort documentation (Not needed if you turned them for the State Title I Audit)
Title I Amendments We are still waiting on the amendment approval from the SDE
IDEA Amendment Request (Due April 30, 2015) IDEA Assurances (Due April 30, 2015) IDEA Time and Effort (Due April 30, 2015) Submission links are available on IDEA Finance section of the Bookshelf: Finance.aspx
SCPCSD is on the SDE audit cycle for next year ( school year). We are conducting two mock audits at two of our schools who have the largest number of English Language Learners. All requirements and guidance documents will be sent out no later than end of May Professional Development will be provided before the start of the school year.