What is Project Share ? Project Share is the portal through which teachers and students can communicate, collaborate, share information and access 21st century digital content and online professional development.
Who is responsible? Project Share is a partnership between the Texas Education Agency (TEA), Epsilen, The New York Times Knowledge Network, PBS, and Apple Computer. TEA is working with the 20 Regional Education Service Centers (ESCs) to implement Project Share.
Why do we need it? Project Share offers new opportunities beyond the face-to-face experience. Project Share gives educators the ability to join professional learning communities (PLCs), participate in professional development courses, explore content repositories, and use online instructional materials.
What is available? Online courses for teachers to be certified and highly qualified to teach CTE courses that satisfy math or science graduation requirements will be available summer The Region 20 ELAR team has moved its listserve and all communications to Project Share. Groups have been created as a follow-up to M-STAR math academies.
Sample page 1
Sample page 2
Where are we now? Any certified staff can have a free account. We now have 80 staff members from Edgewood with Project Share accounts. These include all the district Specialists, CTE teachers, and ELAR group.
Menus - My ePortfolio
Added resume
Menu funtions
When you click on Courses, you can create as well as enroll
You can add a “drop box” so your students can submit their assignment
Course Example
Example of course offerings
You can search the four listed sources and then create a “template” to save your articles for future reference.
What’s next? TEA, Region 20 and other will continue to move to Project Share for professional development and information delivery. Before the end of this school year, select students will be allowed Project Share accounts and all should be eligible by the start of next school year. This could open the door for electronic submission of assignments for students via drop box. When we get the green light, I can enroll all teachers and administrators. Each user will receive an letting them know how to access and navigate the site. This presentation and related information is available on the Instructional Technology web site at Project ShareProject Share