HISTORY/TIMELINE May NYS Legislature passes Education Law 3012-c creating Annual Professional Performance Ratings (APPR) Sep Task force on Teacher and Principal effectiveness convened Fall Work begins on reporting logistics/selection of eScholar templates Mar Data reporting memo distributed to the field May Relevant templates released to field 2
HISTORY/TIMELINE (CONT.) Mar-Jul Reporting period; Teacher Student Roster Verification system opened Jun Amendment passed to 3012-c requiring public reporting of APPR data Jul Student assessment data sent to AIR (American Institutes for Research, growth vendor), growth scores calculated Aug NYSED releases growth scores to districts Oct AIR launches GRS (Growth Reporting System) Feb APPR data reported publicly on NYSED website 3
EDUCATION LAW 3012-C (APPR) Piloted in , required for all teachers in Overall composite score and quality rating (HEDI- Highly Effective, Effective, Developing, Ineffective) Component scores 20% State assessment (25% if value added used) 20% local achievement (15% if value added used) 60% other 4
EDUCATION LAW 3012-C (APPR) Public Reporting Amendment Requirements: Teacher and principal final ratings (HEDI) reported publicly (without personally identifiable information) State, county, district, and school levels Number and percent of teachers and principals by these filters: District/school size District wealth/poverty Subject, grade, course Moving up and down rating categories from previous year, tenure granted or denied 5
TSDL FILES Staff Student Course- links teachers to course and students Staff Assignment- links principals to schools/grades Student Class Grade Detail- links students to course outcomes (grades, credit) Staff Snapshot- staff demographics Staff Evaluation Rating- districts use to provide NYSED final APPR rating data for their teachers 6
NYS TSDL DATA FLOW- KEY Colors Arrows Shapes Reporting Entity RICs NYSED Teachers AIR Assessment & roster data Roster data Growth data Web access Reporting Entity Data Level Vendor Teachers Web app/site 7
NYS TSDL DATA FLOW- PLAYERS NYSED Information and Reporting Services (IRS)- data collection and reporting branch of the Department Reporting entities Charter Schools and Districts (LEAs) BOCES (Board of Cooperative Education Services)- regional support for LEAs Regional Information Centers (RICs)- Regional data collection and reporting support for LEAs and BOCES American Institutes for Research (AIR)- NYSED’s growth vendor 8
NYS TSDL DATA FLOW Regional Data Warehouses State Data Warehouse Districts Schools BOCES IRS Business Portal Teachers AIR TSRV GRS 9
ONE CYCLE IN TSDL Summer- district assigns teachers and students to courses and principals to schools Start of school year- districts begin to create staff student course records and staff assignment records in their SMSs and submit to regional data warehouses Mid school year to June- state data warehouse open for TSDL data When state collection opens- PIN letters are generated for new teachers, current year roster data available in Teacher Student Roster Verification System (TSRV) Between end of testing cycle and end of school year- districts report student outcomes and certify their data 10
ONE CYCLE IN TSDL (CONT.) July- NYSED submits data to AIR and growth scores are calculated August- NYSED gets growth scores from AIR and reports to districts September 1 SY2- deadline for districts to give teachers and principals APPR rating October SY2- AIR posts data on Growth Reporting System (GRS) website Nov/Dec SY2- deadline for districts to report and certify composite APPR scores to NYSED February SY2- NYSED reports composite scores on Public Data website 11
COMMUNICATION WITH FIELD Daily- Dataquest system, phone calls, web site and applications Weekly- conference call w/ RICs and Big 5, PIN reports posted in the IRS Business Portal Every 6 weeks- Project Manager meetings w/ RICs and Big 5 Periodically- APPR field guidance document is regularly updated on engageny website. 12
NYSED POLICY GUIDANCE PROCESS NYSED disseminates policy guidance to field Field analyzes policy IRS gets feedback, responds to field and/or pushes to TLE TLE gets feedback, responds to field and/or pushes to IRS or Executive level Executive level gets feedback, responds to TLE suggestions, possibly amends policy NYSED Counsel is required for some decisions 13
SUCCESSES AND CHALLENGES Successes- Creation of TSRV system- over 60,000 teachers created accounts in Over 30,000 teachers given growth scores for school year Over 3,000 teacher evaluations reported in full compliance with APPR (one year ahead of schedule) AIR creates the Growth Reporting System (GRS) allowing teachers to view how their growth scores are calculated 14
Challenges- Culture shift All teachers to be reported in Policy guidance updates, matching policy with practice Substitute teachers Course codes (What is a course?) Push-in and Pull-out /supplemental instruction BOCES SUCCESSES AND CHALLENGES 15
TSDL Screenshots of public reporting site showing layout and main data points 16
TSDL Screenshots of TSRV showing what a two roster views look like 17
TSDL Screenshots of GRS showing what a school/district/teacher see 18
QUESTIONS? Patrick Roche Associate in Education Research New York Sate Education Department (NYSED) Information and Reporting Services (IRS)