REQUISITION AND PURCHASING A presentation by Jason Robison Brett Robertson Terry Chynoweth and Nicole Sjo
So, you need to purchase sheet music for music class? What do I need to do? Who do I need to talk to? How long will it take to get my music?
I need some sheet music for my music students. Now what? Gather bids on the sheet music you want for the amount of licenses you need. Get a requisition form from your principal and write the music wanted with corresponding best bid amounts included therein. Submit your requisition to the principal, then to the D.O. for approval.
What happens to the requisition? Approved or disapproved by the business administrator. Once approved, it turns into a Purchase Order that is sent to the vendor. If it is disapproved it is sent back for changes or the request is denied entirely.
How long do I have to wait? Generally, it takes as long to fill a request as it takes for each person in the chain to read the request and then pass it on to the next person. i.e.. Secretary – principal- district business administrator-vendor.
Do Bigger Items Take Longer? Sometimes, not always! Costlier items take more deliberation Is there enough funding? Were enough bids gathered appropriately? Does a committee need to address the requisition?
What does a Purchase Order look like?
What’s the line item code?
What if there aren’t enough funds in the school supply account? Transfer $ from Supply Account into Textbook Account.