Orientation to TLEE 383 And TLEE 485 (Third and Fourth Professional Semesters) From 383 to Senior Student Teaching October 9, 2013
Today’s Agenda 1.Welcome 2.Comprehensive Overview o TLEE 383 – Third Professional o TLEE 485 – Fourth Professional 3.More about the Year-Long, Co-Teaching Model 4.Questions 5.Paperwork
Student Teaching TLEE 383 and TLEE 485 (Spring 2014 & Fall 2014) PDS Model – Year-Long, Co-Teaching Model – students will stay with the same grade level and in most cases the same cooperating teacher for TLEE 383 and TLEE nd Professional Semester 383 TLEE485, 461 & ETT 401B Program Sequence
TLEE 383 and TLEE 485 Experiences Submit Paperwork to Peggy Williams Clinical Office, Gabel 152 October 23, 2013 Spring 2014 and Fall 2014
Placements Keep your address information current. Candidates will stay with same cooperating teachers for TLEE 383 and TLEE 485. Once the placement is received, changes are not likely. Please do not contact school districts on your own behalf. Once preference and data sheets are submitted, districts will determine the manner in which pairs will be matched. Candidates will be notified of the interview date by a district administrator.
Registering for Student Teaching 1.APPLICATION – BLUE CARD Current phone and NIU address Address where you will live during year-long program Past or present personal and/or professional relationships in districts Any additional information we should know
2.ELEMENTARY EDUCATION REGISTRATION PROCEDURES Read Carefully and Note Dates Provide your signature at the bottom You are responsible for all content
3. COMPLETE ONLINE FORM TLEE 383/TLEE 485 Personal Data Sheet for Application to PDS Schools Job application quality Thoughtful, complete answers Consistent with Blue Card Proofread and have proofread by others Save onto desktop for future use Print one copy of the Preference Sheet Print two copies of the Information Sheet Submit to Gabel 152 – stapled and paper clipped together
Website College of Education Academic Departments Literacy Education (LTCY) Elementary Education Clinicals Forms and Documents TLEE 383/485 District Preference Sheet TLEE 383/485 Personal Data Sheet for Application to PDS Schools
4.COMPLETE ON-LINE SAFETY MODULE NIU Teacher Certification Homepage NIU Safety Tutorial for Preservice Teachers (left side) EMPL-ID Launch the Module Print certificate of completion Certificate of completion to Clinical Office by May 12, 2014
5.SAVE THE DATE – UNIVERSITY-WIDE STUDENT TEACHER ORIENTATION Week of August , 2014 Check NIU and watch U.S. Mail for important communications from Clinical Office Keep contact information in Clinical Office current 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM in Altgeld Hall for all university meeting 1:00 – 4:00 NIU supervisor MANDATORY attendance (Date to be Determined)MANDATORY attendance (Date to be Determined)
6.STUDENT TEACHING REGISTRATION – LAST STEPS Submit the following to Peggy Williams: Current TB Clearance Card By May 12, 2014 Content Area Test Results Safety Module Certificate APT Test must be completed before graduation (November 1, 2014). You will not graduate if you have not passed this test. May 12, 2014
Once Placement is issued: Contact your cooperating teacher. Complete interview/observation day visit. Return your completed Confirmation Letter to the Clinical Office, Gabel 152. Notification of Placement Initial contact/confirmation by You will receive placement from Peggy Williams (815)
Additional Requirements All districts will require: Finger Print /Criminal Background Check These are at your own expense – procedures will be shared with you when you are assigned your placement Some schools request the following: Transcripts – you can obtain unofficial grade transcripts from your “MyNIU” account Physical/Current T.B. clearance If a district requests any one of these, it is at your expense.
Summary Submit forms electronically by October 23, 2013 Blue Card – completed neatly (one card) Grade Preference (one form) Personal Information Form (TLEE 383 & TLEE 485) (two sets) Register for classes (Third Professional Semester) Call Jeanne Johnston for permit numbers Before Third Professional by beginning of the semester Current TB on file in Clinical Office (must be good for entire time you are in the schools for the year-long program) For Student Teaching by May 12, 2014 Content Area Test Results Safety Module Certificate Peggy Williams will distribute permit numbers
Prepare wardrobe Review information in The First Days of School Review TLEE 485 information on the clinical website Preview school curriculum and website Stay in contact with cooperating teacher Be available to help at the end of the year and at the beginning of the year Practical Suggestions
Recommendations A reliable car No other job is recommended Make arrangements for childcare before the semester begins
Paperwork for Today Informal Survey – bright goldenerod sheet Elementary Education Registration Procedures form