Clever Levers by Anthony,Joseph,Ryan,Ronan and Cole
CLEVER LEVERS The lever helps people move loads. It’s a board or rod that pivots on a folcrom. The lever helps people move the load up and down with little force. This makes work easier because you can move an object without too much effort.Moving an object is work.
The wheelbarrow looks like a suitcase with a long handle.The wheel barrow front wheel is the fulcrum.Your arms are the effort.The barrow holds the load in it.The wheelbarrow makes work easier because you can move twice as more. Wheelbarrows
A nutcracker has two sticks and a circle at the end of each stick.The two sticks are the effort the load is the nut and the circle is the fulcrum. We would have to open nuts with our hands if we did not have nutcrackers we would have to use our hands. nutcrackers
FAUCET HANDLE A faucet is a real life example of a lever. When you push the lever up it pivots on the fulcrum making the water turn on. If you push the lever down the lever turns off.
A light switch it is a lever because when you flip the switch, the light goes on. It is a lever because it pivots on the middle of the switch. The force is you moving the switch. The load is when the light gets pulled inside. light switch
Baseball bat The baseball bat is a lever. It is long and skinny. The load is the baseball. The effort is me. The fulcrum is my hand.
bibliographic formats Glover,David,Levers,interactive library,Rigby,