clever Having sharp or quick intelligence The clever card trick amazed the audience.
contest A race, conflict, or other competition between rivals; usually for a prize American Idol is an example of a singingcontest. American Idol is an example of a singing contest.
fable Brief stories that teach a lesson The Tortoise and the Hare is an example of a fable.
Universal theme A theme that appears in the literature of many cultures across many time periods
The muscles of the first three contestants rippled and strained as they tried to lift the huge bolder. The rock remained solidly in place. Finally, a frail-looking youth took his turn. Using a lever, he raised the rock just high enough off the ground to collect the prize certificate underneath it. He was soon on his way to the judges’ table. What is the universal theme in this paragraph? Winners are those who use their brains, not their muscles.
purpose The reason for doing something What would be someone’s purpose for reading their geography book? T o L e a r n !
compare Identifying similarities Compare the two pictures
antelope A swift-running animal that is native to Africa and Asia. They have long horns and a slender build.
Liberia A country on the west coast of Africa; home to rainforests and many animals such as antelopes
Jamaica An island in the West Indies; south of Cuba; there is a high level of poverty
Vexed Irritated or annoyed The teacher was vexed at his students because they did not turn in their homework.
moral principles or habits that deal with right or wrong behavior What is the moral in The Boy Who Cried Wolf? A liar will not be believed even when he is telling the truth.