Thesis Statement Construction
1. A good thesis statement is restricted/limited It deals with restricted, “bite-size” issues rather than issues that would require a lifetime to discuss. Restrict the thesis so that you may explore it fully in your paper.
Odysseus has many character traits. Poor Thesis Statement:
In Homer’s epic poem, The Odyssey, Odysseus uses his bravery and cleverness to aid him on his journey home. Better Thesis Statement:
2. A good thesis statement proves something or takes a stand on an issue. A good thesis proves something, and the rest of the paper is a defense of that thesis. Be sure there is another side to the thesis that someone else could prove.
Examples: Poor: Rainsford is a character in “The Most Dangerous Game.” Better: In Richard Connell’s short story, “The Most Dangerous Game,” Rainsford’s intelligence and bravery help him to survive while on General Zaroff’s island.
3. A good writer states his or her thesis in one carefully worded sentence. Your thesis needs to be concise, yet also include all the necessary information. Your thesis should never be longer than 1 sentence.
4. A good thesis statement contains an action verb Use “literary present” tense to discuss literature. The tense of the thesis indicates the primary tense chosen for the rest of the paper. Choose a strong verb.
Examples: Poor: In “The Cask of Amontillado,” a short story by Edgar Allan Poe, Montresor was a clever and vengeful character. Better: In “The Cask of Amontillado,” Edgar Allan Poe portrays Montresor as a clever, vengeful individual who longs for retribution.
A good thesis statement contains “so whatness.” Read your thesis. Ask yourself, “So what?” Your thesis should answer that question.
6. Check your thesis for the following components: Name of the author Title of your primary source Genre of your primary source Short story Epic poem Action verb “So whatness” Sense of “proving” something
Sample Thesis Statement #1 In “The Necklace,” a short story by Guy de Maupassant, Madame Loisel is portrayed as an unhappy and materialistic person who spends her life longing for more.
Sample Thesis Statement #2 In The Odyssey, an epic poem by Homer, Odysseus is portrayed as a brave and clever person who longs to return home.
Sample Thesis Statement #3 In “The Scarlet Ibis,” a short story by James Hurst, Brother is portrayed as a strong individual driven by guilt.