Berachah Bible Institute Hebrew Grammar I Chapter 6: Hebrew Prepositions
BBI Hebrew Grammar I Hebrew Prepositions I run with him Section Introduction Subject Verb Preposition Object (of preposition) Prepositional Phrase Independent Clause Predicate
BBI Hebrew Grammar I Hebrew Prepositions Just like English prepositions before the king. Section 6.2 – Independent Prepositions %l,Mñ,h;
BBI Hebrew Grammar I Hebrew Prepositions Maqqef Section 6.3 – Maqqef Prepositions Like our dash One “speech unit” Can’t use always in Hebrew xB;îz>Mih; l[;Þ (2 Kgs 23:17) laeÞr"f.yI-lK' la,î (Deut 27:9) ‘^b.Wv) d[;Û (Gen 3:19) But, -!mi always?
BBI Hebrew Grammar I Hebrew Prepositions Section 6.4 – Inseparable Prepositions Reduced Initial Vowel? YesNo B. Article? NoYes Bi Simple? Match Short Vowel NoYes Replace h with B
BBI Hebrew Grammar I Hebrew Prepositions Section 6.5 – Form of !mi Maqqef Form is Easy. Just attach. Inseparable Form just like definite article Lene becomes forte Gutturals reject forte, length preceding vowel But, x sometimes (not always!) doesn’t cause lengthening Assimilation of n, an important concept We have it in English: One->An->A (before consontants) Will appear again in vowel patterns
BBI Hebrew Grammar I Hebrew Prepositions Comparative Section 6.6 – The use of !mi bh'Z"mi hm'k.x' hb'wOj Good (fs)Wisdom (fs)Gold (ms) is Wisdom is good from gold Wisdom is better than gold
BBI Hebrew Grammar I Hebrew Prepositions Comparative Section 6.6 – The use of !mi aWhh; rp,Señh;-!mi hZ<h; rp,Señh; bWj good (ms) the book (ms) is This book is good from that book This book is better than that book the this (ms) the book (ms) the that (ms)
BBI Hebrew Grammar I Hebrew Prepositions Comparative Section 6.6 – The use of !mi ~yvin"a]h'me hd'wOb[]h' hv'q' Hard (fs)the work (fs) is The work is hard from the men The work is too hard for the men the men (mp)
BBI Hebrew Grammar I Hebrew Prepositions Superlative Section 6.6 – The use of !mi hd,F'h; tY:x; lKomi ~Wr[' clever (ms)all Clever from every living thing of the field More clever than every living thing of the field The field (fs)living thing (ms)
BBI Hebrew Grammar I Hebrew Prepositions Partitive Section 6.6 – The use of !mi yriP.m i from a fruit some of the fruit [of the tree of the garden] [ !G"ßh ;-#[e( ]
BBI Hebrew Grammar I Hebrew Prepositions Partitive Section 6.6 – The use of !mi ~yvin" a]h'm e from the men some of the men
BBI Hebrew Grammar I Hebrew Prepositions Section 6.7 – Direct Object Marker Definite Direct Object Marker Definite – Must be definite Have article Be a proper noun Have a possessive pronoun Direct Object – Receives action of verb Ben hit the ball `#r ~yIm:ßV'h; taeî ~yhi_l{a/ ar"äB' tyviÞarEB. Marker – Simply points to it; no value
BBI Hebrew Grammar I Hebrew Prepositions Section 6.7 – Direct Object Marker rp,SeñB; ~yrib'D.h;-ta, bt;K' he wrotethe wordsin the book ~yImñ;V'h; tae ~yhil{a/ ar'B' he createdGodthe heavens Can you find the definite article?
BBI Hebrew Grammar I Hebrew Prepositions Section 6.7 – Direct Object Marker %l,M,ñl; rp,Señh;- ta, aybiN"h; !t;n" he gavethe bookto the king lwOdG"h; lk'yheh;-ta, %l,M,ñh; hn"B' he builtthe kingthe temple (ms) the prophet the great (ms)
BBI Hebrew Grammar I Hebrew Prepositions Section 6.7 – Direct Object Marker twOrwOTh;-ta,w> hw"c.Mih;-ta, %l,M,ñh; rm;v' he observedthe commandment ry[ih'-la, %a'l.M;h;-ta, aybiN"h; xl;v' he sentthe messengerto
BBI Hebrew Grammar I Hebrew Prepositions Section 6.7 – Direct Object Marker !t'n"wOhy>-ta, dwID' bh;a' he lovedDavid ~['l' wyt'wOrwOT-ta, %l,M,ñh; !t;n" he gavehis (3msx)to Jonathan How is this definite? Can you find the definite article?
BBI Hebrew Grammar I Hebrew Prepositions Section 6.7 – Direct Object Marker lwOdG" lk'yhe %l,M,ñh; hn"B' he built ry[iB' !joq' tyIB;ñ r[;N:òh; hn"B' he builtSmall (ms)in great the young man
BBI Hebrew Grammar I Hebrew Prepositions Know the inseparable preposition chart Section Summary Know the form and use of !mi Know how the definite direct object marker is used. Be able to explain each part of its name.
BBI Hebrew Grammar I Reminder Vocabulary and Grammar Quiz this week Don’t forget to be doing journal (turn end) After chapter 5, you know 35% of all OT words After chapter 6, you will know 51% of all OT words Workbook says to use lexicon; use back of book Handing out midterm exam next week. Will cover grammar and vocabulary from chapters 1-6 No class Oct 15 and Oct 22, but study!